Hi, I have just started converting the lists I host from SmartList to Minimalist. I'm running it all under Linux and have been very pleased with the ease, speed and flexibility of Minimalist as compared to SmartList and Majordomo.

Joe Klemmer

Incredible. Simple, powerful and reliable, this Minimalist keeps up de *NIX style. I used to hold several mail list with Mailman (5MB source) but this 30Kb source Minimalist gives me the same service.



Minimalist v2 Homepage

Please, note, that Minimalist is no longer supported by author. If you like this tool and have time and inspiration, you can incur this work.

What is this?

Minimalist stands for Minimalistic Mailing Lists Manager. Although it is declared as minimalistic, it has many features as his eldest brosers, such as Majordomo and so on, but in contrast to them it is very small, fast, simple for setup and maintenance. Also it has very clean internal structure and if you are familiar with Perl, you can add as many additional features, as you need.

Supported features are:

  • subscribe/unsubscribe users by request
    • including write-only option of subscription
  • several levels of security
  • read-only/closed/mandatory lists
  • information about list; users, subscribed to list; lists, to which user subscribed
  • per-user options:
    • read-only (for open lists)
    • write allow (for read-only lists)
    • maximum message size
  • susped/resume subscription
  • archiving lists (internal and external), with configurable maximum size of archived message
  • multilanguage support
  • process MIME-encoded messages
    • including support for local charset (for reports and footer)
  • external delivery of processed message
  • blacklist
  • logging activity

Minimalist doesn't support digests and author isn't even going to make this support available.

Basic language of Minimalist is English, additional languages can be found in languages area.

You may look into example of configuration file.

Installation and maintenance instruction is available.

Where to download?

Latest stable version of Minimalist is 2.5(3), changes reflected here

You can download this piece of software here: MINIMALIST.tar.gz.
Also you can browse this directoryfor previous versions of Minimalist.

Yours sincerely,                
Vladimir Litovka.