// Copyright (c) 2022 High5! // License Info: LICENSE.TXT // // File: index.php // // Template File: -none- // // Template Variables: // // -none- // // Form POST \ GET Variables: // // -none- // ?> OpenSMTPD Admin Setup Checker

Welcome to OpenSMTPD Admin

OpenSMTPD Admin Setup Checker 1.0

It seems that you are running this version of OpenSMTPD Admin for the first time.

This will tell you if all functions are available for OpenSMTPD Admin to run.

If you still encounter any problems please check the documentation and website for more information.

Running software:

= 8) $phpversion = 8; print "- PHP version " . phpversion() . "
\n"; } else { print "

  • Unable to check for PHP version. (missing function: phpversion())
    \n"; } print "

    \n"; print "Checking for dependencies:
    \n"; print "

    \n"; // // Check for config.inc.php // if ($file_config == 1) { print "- Depends on: presence config.inc.php - OK
    \n"; } else { print "

  • Error: Depends on: presence config.inc.php - NOT FOUND
    \n"; print "Create the file.
    "; print "For example:
    \n"; print "
    % cp config.inc.php.sample config.inc.php
    \n"; $error =+ 1; } print "

    \n"; // // Check if there is support for at least 1 database // if (($f_mysql_connect == 0) and ($f_mysqli_connect == 0) and ($f_pg_connect == 0)) { print "

  • Error: There is no database support in your PHP setup
    \n"; print "To install MariaDB 10 support on OpenBSD:
    \n"; print "% pkg_add php-mysqli\n"; print "To install PostgreSQL support on OpenBSD:
    \n"; print "% pkg_add php-pgsql\n"; $error =+ 1; } // // MariaDB functions // if ($f_mysqli_connect == 1) { print "- Depends on: MariaDB - OK
    \n"; } print "

    \n"; // // PostgreSQL functions // if ($f_pg_connect == 1) { print "- Depends on: PostgreSQL - OK (change the database_type in config.inc.php!!)
    \n"; } print "

    \n"; // // Session functions // if ($f_session_start == 1) { print "- Depends on: session - OK
    \n"; } else { print "

  • Error: Depends on: session - NOT FOUND
    \n"; print "To install session support on FreeBSD:
    \n"; print "
    % cd /usr/ports/www/php$phpversion-session/\n";
    	print "% make clean install\n";
    	print " - or with portupgrade -\n";
    	print "% portinstall php$phpversion-session
    \n"; $error =+ 1; } print "

    \n"; // // PCRE functions // if ($f_preg_match == 1) { print "- Depends on: pcre - OK
    \n"; } else { print "

  • Error: Depends on: pcre - NOT FOUND
    \n"; print "To install pcre support on FreeBSD:
    \n"; print "
    % cd /usr/ports/devel/php$phpversion-pcre/\n";
    	print "% make clean install\n";
    	print " - or with portupgrade -\n";
    	print "% portinstall php$phpversion-pcre
    \n"; $error =+ 1; } print "

    \n"; if ($error == 0) { print "Everything seems fine... you are ready to rock & roll!
    \n"; print "Make sure you delete this setup.php file!
    \n"; print "Also check the config.inc.php file for any settings that you might need to change!
    \n"; print "Click here to go to the admin section (make sure that your .htaccess is setup properly)\n"; } ?>