Postfix Admin User License Agreement Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2004 High5! High5! Postfix Admin Software End User License Agreement It is highly recommended that you read all sections of this license agreement. It contains information on what you can and cannot do with the Software along with how our support services operate. Many questions are answered in the body of this document, please read it carefully. 1. PRICING Postfix admin (the software) can be used for free unless it is used in violation with the rules mentioned in 3.1 in the End User License Agreement. If you want to use the software outside the limitations set by 3.1 a commercial license is required. This license can be obtained by contacting the publisher mentioned in point 9 of this contract. 2. LICENSE High5! (the company) grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Software on an unlimited installations subject to the provisions in all sections of this Agreement. The Company, at its discretion, offers a free download of Postfix Admin available on its web site. Use of this free download is also provided under the terms of this Agreement with the additional notice that no technical support or service for the free download will be provided by the Company. Use for sale or re-sale of the Software requires purchasing the license. 3. SCOPE OF GRANT 3.1 You are allowed to: a) customize the Software's design and operation to suit the internal needs of your web site and/or product b) produce and distribute the Software with additional modification. The modifications you personally create are not owned by High5! as long as they contain no proprietary coding from High5! c) create applications which interface with the operation of the Software provided said application is an original work. 3.2 You are not allowed to: a) permit other individuals to use the Software except under the terms listed above b) reverse engineer, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the Software for distribution or usage outside your web site and/or product excluding those applications described above c) modify and/or remove any copyright notices or labels on the Software on each page (unless full license is purchased) and in the header of each script source file d) distribute the Software for sale or re-sale (unless full license purchased) except under the terms listed above e) distribute individual copies of files (unless full license purchased), libraries, or other programming material in the Software package except under the terms listed above. 4. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY The Software is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by you. Should the Software prove defective, you and not High5! assume the entire cost of any service and repair. In addition, the security mechanisms implemented by High5! Software have inherent limitations, and you must determine that the Software sufficiently meets your requirements. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement. 5. TITLE Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in the Software shall remain with High5!. The Software is protected by copyright laws and treaties. Title and related rights in the content generated through the Software is the property of the applicable content owner and may be protected by applicable law. This License gives High5! no rights to such content. 6. TERMINATION This Agreement will terminate automatically upon failure to comply with the limitations described herein or on written notice from an authorized representative of High5!. On termination, you must destroy all copies of the Software within 48 hours. Termination of the license due to noncompliance will not result in any refunds of license fees. 7. MISCELLANEOUS High5! reserves the right to publish a selected list of users of the Software. High5! reserves the right to change the terms of this Agreement at any time however those changes are not retroactive to past releases. Changes to the Agreement will be announced via email using the High5! email notification list. Failure to receive notification of a change does not make those changes invalid. A current copy of this Agreement will be available upon request. Technical support will not be provided for third-party modifications to the Software including modifications to code, CSS, and Languages to any license holder. If the Software is modified using a third-party modification or otherwise, technical support may be refused to any license holder. 8. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of the Netherlands. Any action in regard to this Agreement or arising out of its terms and conditions shall be instituted and litigated in the court of Amsterdam. Each of the parties consents to jurisdiction in such Court and agrees that service of process as provided by the states and rules of civil procedures of the Netherlands shall be sufficient. 9. MANUFACTURER High5!, Rooseveltlaan 80-2, 1078 NM, Amsterdam. For questions, write to the above address, email, or call +31 6 2181 8161. Postfix Admin End User Agreement, version 1.0 revised September 2004