# # Postfix Admin # by Mischa Peters # Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 High5! # License Info: http://www.postfixadmin.com/?file=LICENSE.TXT # REQUIRED!! ---------- - You are using Postfix 2.0 or higher. - You are using Apache 1.3.27 or higher. - You are using PHP 4.1 or higher. - You are using MySQL 3.23 or higher. READ THIS FIRST! ---------------- It's recommened that you install Postfix Admin in a new folder and not on-top of the old install!! When you are upgrading from Postfix Admin 1.5x (or older), make sure you backup your database before you run the TABLE_CHANGES.TXT on your database. When you are upgrading from Postfix Admin 2.0.x, please read the BACKUP_MX.TXT. 1. Backup the Database ---------------------- When you install from a previous version make sure you backup your database first. There are a lot of changes in the database structure since Postfix Admin 1.5.4. $ mysqldump -a -u root -p > /tmp/postfixadmin-backup.sql 2. Unarchive new Postfix Admin ------------------------------ Make sure that you are in your WWW directory and then unarchive the Postfix Admin archive (whatever the filename is): $ tar -zxvf postfixadmin-2.0.0.tgz 3. Change permissions ---------------------- Since the database password is stored in the config.inc.php it's a good idea to have change the permissions for Postfix Admin. $ cd /usr/local/www/postfixadmin-2.0.0 $ chmod 640 *.php *.css $ cd /usr/local/www/postfixadmin-2.0.0/admin/ $ chmod 640 *.php .ht* $ cd /usr/local/www/postfixadmin-2.0.0/images/ $ chmod 640 *.gif *.png $ cd /usr/local/www/postfixadmin-2.0.0/languages/ $ chmod 640 *.lang $ cd /usr/local/www/postfixadmin-2.0.0/templates/ $ chmod 640 *.tpl $ cd /usr/local/www/postfixadmin-2.0.0/users/ $ chmod 640 *.php 4. Modify the MySQL Tables -------------------------- In TABLE_CHANGES.TXT or TABLE_BACKUP_MX.TXT you can find the table structure that you need in order to configure Postfix Admin 2.0.0 and Postfix in general to work with Virtual Domains and Users 5. Configure ------------ Check the config.inc.php file. There you can specify settings that are relevant to your setup. 6. Done ------- This is all that is needed. Fire up your browser and go to the site that you specified to host Postfix Admin.