
186 lines
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// Virtual Mail Delete
// by George Vieira <george at citadelcomputer dot com dot au>
// You can run this from your crontab with something like
// 0 4 * * * * vmail php -q virtualmaildel.php >/dev/null
// Setup location of postfixadmin config files. Needed to login to mysql
$conf = '/home/httpd/mail/admin/';
// Where's the homedir accounts stored. (GET THIS RIGHT OTHERWISE IT THINK NONE EXIST AND DELETES ALL)
$homedir = '/home/virtual';
// Make sure everything is everything before continuing
if ( ! file_exists( $conf ) )
die( "Cannot find config file $conf\n" );
if ( ! is_dir( $homedir ) )
die( "Cannot find home directory for virtual mailboxes in $homedir\n" );
// Load mysql authentication from postfixadmin
include( $conf );
// Recursive Delete Function
function deldir($dir)
$current_dir = opendir($dir);
while($entryname = readdir($current_dir))
if(is_dir("$dir/$entryname") and ($entryname != "." and $entryname!=".."))
elseif($entryname != "." and $entryname!="..")
// --- Main Start ---
// Get list of directories
$fr = opendir( $homedir );
while ( ($domain = readdir($fr)) !== false)
// Check if it's a dir
if ( $domain != "." and $domain != ".." and filetype($homedir .'/'. $domain) == "dir" )
// Open the (assumed) DOMAIN directory
$ff = opendir( $homedir .'/'. $domain );
while ( ($user = readdir($ff)) !== false)
// Check for directories assuming it's a user account
if ( $user!="." and $user!=".." and filetype($homedir .'/'. $domain .'/'. $user) == "dir" )
// if the dir 'new' exists inside then it's an account
if ( file_exists($homedir .'/'. $domain .'/'. $user .'/'. "new") )
$dir[$domain][$user] = "";
// Alert that the dir doesn't have a 'new' dir, possibly not an account. Leave it.
echo "UNKNOWN : " . $homedir ."/". $domain ."/". $user ."/new NOT FOUND. Possibly not an account. Leaving untouched\n";
// OK, got an array of accounts from the dir, Now connect to the DB and check them
$conx = mysql_connect( $CONF['database_host'],$CONF['database_user'],$CONF['database_password'] );
// Is there a problem connecting?
if ( $conx != false )
// Select the database
mysql_select_db( $CONF['database_name'] , $conx) or die ("Can't access database postfix : " . mysql_error());
// Select all mailboxes to verify against dirs listed in array
$query = "SELECT * FROM mailbox";
$result = mysql_query( $query );
// Query the mailbox table
if ( $result != false )
// Fetch the list of results
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) )
// Pull apart the maildir field, needed to figure out the directory structure to compare
$strip = explode("/",$row['maildir']);
// Unset the array if it exists. This stops it being erased later.
unset( $dir[ $strip[0] ][ $strip[1] ] );
// If there are results. unset the domain too.
if ( count($dir[$strip[0]])==0 and mysql_num_rows($result)>0 )
unset( $dir[$strip[0]] );
die( "Failed SELECT in mailboxes\n" );
die( 'Cannot connect to the database!\n' );
// OK, time to clean up. All known users/domains have been removed from the list.
// If the array still exists (incase nothing there)
if ( is_array($dir) )
// Go through each dir
foreach ( $dir as $key => $value )
// Is this a user array?
if ( is_array( $value) )
// Go through and nuke the folders
foreach ( $value as $user => $value2 )
// Nuke.. need any more explanations?
echo "REMOVING : " . $homedir."/".$key."/".$user."\n" ;
deldir( $homedir."/".$key."/".$user ) ;
// And we are outta here....
echo "Cleanup process completed\n";