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2024-06-16 21:59:42 +02:00
From (Stan Jaffe)
Newsgroups: comp.editors
Subject: Using shell filters in VI
Date: 2 Dec 91 19:34:13 GMT
Status: O
This has always puzzled me. Perhaps someone out there knows the answer
to this:
When using the !<line label> feature in vi to write out a selected segment
of a file through a filter, I find that sometimes the text is replaced
"instantaneously" (seemingly all at once), while other times it "scrolls"
through on replacing. (If you don't know what I mean, you probably
haven't experienced it). I don't know if this is something unique to
my hardware/terminal type, or perhaps is related to the speed of my
filter programs. If I could control it, I would much prefer the "all
at once" replacement, since it is easier to see what changed when toggling
using "u". I don't think it has to do with my filter program, because
it has the same behavior when toggling also.
Thanks in advance,
Stan Jaffe
From (Ronald Harichandran)
Subject: VI: Freeing macro space for map command
Keywords: vi map macro
Date: 4 Dec 91 18:42:44 GMT
Status: O
Most implementations of vi have a limit on the amount of mapping that
can be done using the map and map! commands. For HPUX the limit is 512
characters total in combined existing macros. The problem that I have
is that I am unable to free space for new mapping by unmapping some or
all of the existing mappings. In other words, unmapping existing macros
does not seem to free any space. This means that I have to quit vi,
rename the ~/.exrc file in which my usual macros are, then reenter vi to
define new mappings - quite a pain. Any suggestions regarding this
problem are welcome. (This problem also exists on Sun's version of vi.)
Ron Harichandran
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Michigan State University
From adk@sun13.SCRI.FSU.EDU (Tony Kennedy)
Subject: Re: How do do these things in vi?
Date: 7 Dec 91 08:33:18 GMT
In-reply-to:'s message of 7 Dec 91 03:11:10 GMT
Status: O (XiaoFei Wang) writes:
Subject: How do do these things in vi?
And while you're about it could someone kindly tell me:
5) how to change multiple empty lines to one; that is do what the
:%s/^[ ^I]*$^[ ^I]*$/^$/g
would do if the pattern ^$ really did match and end-of-line
beginning-of-line pair, just as the pattern \n doesn't ;-)
From (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: How do do these things in vi?
Date: 7 Dec 91 17:59:52 GMT
Status: O (XiaoFei Wang) writes:
>Subject: How do do these things in vi?
>1) change CR to CR/LF [ That is CR plus LF ]
This has to be done before you load into vi (or on the way in) since vi
needs the LF to terminate its concept of a line. Instead of :r file
use :0r !tr '\015' '\012' <file
This gets normal LF endings, so follow by:
>2) change LF to CR/LF [ That is CR plus LF ]
^type ^V^M for this
>3) delete LF.
> ( msdos to Mac )
Delete the CR first instead:
^type^V^M again
Follow by:
>4) change LF to CR.
Do this on the way out:
:w !tr '\012' '015' >file
If you do this a lot, it would probably be worth making shell scripts
for each function using tr and sed. Or, if you are using a file
transfer protocol to move the files among the different machines, just
switch to one like kermit that adjusts the text to the native format
during the transfer.
Les Mikesell
From (XiaoFei Wang)
Subject: Re: How do do these things in vi?
Date: 8 Dec 91 08:49:54 GMT
Status: O
/* From the keyboard of (Leslie Mikesell) */:
* >2) change LF to CR/LF [ That is CR plus LF ]
* :%s/$/^M/
* ^type ^V^M for this
I found this does not work as expected. Everything gets double spaced
as this. I expected a ^M sign at the end of each line.
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From dattier@ddsw1.MCS.COM (David W. Tamkin)
Subject: Re: How do you do these things in vi?
Date: 8 Dec 91 05:24:00 GMT
Status: O
adk@sun13.SCRI.FSU.EDU (Tony Kennedy) wrote in
| And while you're about it could someone kindly tell me:
| 5) how to change multiple empty lines to one; that is do what the
| substitution
| :%s/^[ ^I]*$^[ ^I]*$/^$/g
| would do if the pattern ^$ really did match and end-of-line
I think Tony meant "$^".
| beginning-of-line pair, just as the pattern \n doesn't ;-)
vi cannot search for a pattern that crosses line boundaries. If you have
Berkeley cat,
:%!/usr/ucb/cat -s
but in System V cat, the -s flag means something entirely different (to be
_s_ilent about errors) from _s_queeze.
If not,
:%!sed /./,/^$/!d
Neither of those allows for lines that contain nothing but whitespace. You
can do :%s/[ ^I]*$// first to get rid of all trailing whitespace, or you
can change the sed filter to this:
:%!sed /[!-~]/,/^[^!-~]*$/!d
Yes, there two carets there, one on each side of the bracket.
David W. Tamkin Box 7002 Des Plaines, Illinois 60018-7002 +1 708 518 6769 CIS: 73720,1570 MCI Mail: 426-1818 +1 312 693 0580
"Parker Lewis Can't | reflector subscriptions:
Lose" mailing list | digest subscriptions:
From (David W. Tamkin)
Subject: Re: How do do these things in vi?
Date: 7 Dec 91 18:50:15 GMT
Status: O (XiaoFei Wang) wrote in
| Subject: How do do these things in vi?
| 1) change CR to CR/LF [ That is CR plus LF ]
| ( Mac to msdos )
If the file has no LF's in it, vi probably won't be able to handle it. It
will see the entire file as a single line of text. If, however, the entire
file's length is within vi's limit for a single text line, it can read it in
(though it will complain that the last [actually only] line is incomplete).
You can then try this:
where ^M is entered by typing ctrl-V ctrl-M. Note the backslash in the
search string.
If the file is too long for vi to accept it as a single line, change the CR's
to LF's with
tr '\015' '\012' < macfile > unixfile
and go to question #2.
| 2) change LF to CR/LF [ That is CR plus LF ]
| ( Unix to msdos )
If you don't have lef or utod and must do this within vi,
where ^M is entered with ctrl-V ctrl-M as in #1. Again, note the backslash.
| 3) delete LF.
| ( msdos to Mac )
That is HIGHLY unadvisable in vi. You can do it by filtering through tr,
but you're FAR better off doing it outside vi because vi needs LF's:
tr -d '\012' < dosfile > macfile
| 4) change LF to CR.
| ( unix to mac ).
As in #3, use tr outside vi:
tr '\012' '\015' < unixfile > macfile
David W. Tamkin Box 7002 Des Plaines, Illinois 60018-7002 +1 708 518 6769 CIS: 73720,1570 MCI Mail: 426-1818 +1 312 693 0580
"Parker Lewis Can't | reflector subscriptions:
Lose" mailing list | digest subscriptions:
From (David W. Tamkin)
Subject: Re: How do do these things in vi?
Date: 8 Dec 91 21:52:23 GMT
Status: O (Leslie Mikesell) wrote in
| In article <>
| (XiaoFei Wang) writes:
| >2) change LF to CR/LF [ That is CR plus LF ]
| :%s/$/^M/
| ^type ^V^M for this
That will double-space the entire file. vi, in a :s command's replacement
string, takes ^M to mean a linefeed unless a backslash precedes it. (This is
the sort of thing *Les* usually tells *me*.)
:%s/$/\^M/ is the right syntax.
| >3) delete LF.
| > ( msdos to Mac )
| Delete the CR first instead:
| :%s/^M//
| ^type^V^M again
That will work, even without the backslash (though a backslash wouldn't
hurt). ^M in a target string does match a carriage return [it can't very
well match a linefeed because the target string cannot cross a line boundary].
David W. Tamkin Box 7002 Des Plaines, Illinois 60018-7002 +1 708 518 6769 CIS: 73720,1570 MCI Mail: 426-1818 +1 312 693 0580
"Parker Lewis Can't | reflector subscriptions:
Lose" mailing list | digest subscriptions:
From (Jerry Schwartz)
Subject: vi window scrolling
Date: 10 Dec 91 21:16:08 GMT
Status: O
How do you get a window to redraw instead of scrolling when doing a
simple search ?
Redraw is faster than an annoying short scroll.
Jerry Schwartz
From (Heinz Herbeck)
Subject: How to change timeout length in vi without timeoutlen ?
Keywords: vi,timeout,macros
Date: 11 Dec 91 13:16:43 GMT
Status: O
Hello netters,
I just got the macro collection for vi from the alf-archive and copied the
'cvi' macros into my .exrc. Unfortunately my version of vi does not support
the 'timeoutlen' option, it's only possible to toggle 'timeout'. With 'timeout'
set, I have to be *very* fast, because all the macros are three characters
long and the length of the timeout period is less than a second. With
'notimeout', typing text is a pain, because every single letter is a possible
start of a macro. So you never see what you typed until vi decides that you
did not type in a macro (which may take quite long :-(.
I'm running Interactive SVR3.2, :version in vi gives 'Version SVR3.1', hardware
platform is an i486 AT.
Is there a way to change the timeout period even if the appropriate option
does not exist (e.g. patching the executable or other hacks like this) ?
If not, is there a way to get the source code for ex/vi ?
And, no, changing the names of the macros is not the way to go, because there
are *lots* of them and I'd like to keep the names at least a little bit
mnemonic (sp ?). (If everything else fails, well, then I'll have to change
the macro definitions. Sigh.)
All suggestions will be gladly appreciated.
- Heinz M. Herbeck // Technical University of Vienna, Austria -
- EMail: // Institute for Computer Graphics -
- // FROM SYSTEM IMPORT StandardDisclaimer; -
From (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: How do do these things in vi?
Date: 10 Dec 91 17:01:57 GMT
Status: O
In article <> (XiaoFei Wang) writes:
>* >2) change LF to CR/LF [ That is CR plus LF ]
>* :%s/$/^M/
>* ^type ^V^M for this
>I found this does not work as expected. Everything gets double spaced
>as this. I expected a ^M sign at the end of each line.
Oops - you actually have to type \^V^M to make that one work. And while
I was trying it I also noticed that something very strange happens if you
leave out the ^V. On SysVr3, doing :%s/$/\^M/ adds \377 to the ends
of the lines.
Les Mikesell
From frank@algol.uucp (Frank Huemme)
Subject: ctrl-u in vi
Date: 12 Dec 91 09:58:11 GMT
Status: O
in vi i use Ctrl-d to go down and vi make a jump-scroll. If i use
Ctrl-u to scroll upwards its much slower ( on a terminal or in Xwindows ),
Can i configure vi to use a jump-scrool in that case too ?
Frank Huemme email: ..!unido!algol!frank
From (Chuck Tomasi,Sysop,734-3462)
Subject: Re: vi window scrolling (vt100)
Date: 11 Dec 91 22:32:19 GMT
Status: O
I am using SCO Xenix 2.3.4 on an IBM and I was wondering if someone
could help me with this. The new version of vi uses terminfo, however
my previous version (2.3.2) uses termcap. I was using 2.3.4 vi for a
while, but my users were having too many problems. Rather than try and
modify my terminfo database to match my customized termcap I decided to
go back to the termcap vi from 2.3.2.
Some of the users who were using vt100 emulation noticed that the line
delete worked much better in 2.3.4 in that it would actually delete the
line rather than putting "@" at the beginning and clearing to the end of
the line. I have tried playing with the "dl" entry in termcap for my
vt100 entry, but I just can't seem to make it fly. Does anyone have any
ideas on how to make a vt100 delete the line and what the termcap entry
would look like?
Chuck Tomasi | "Seen it." "Hated it" "Taped it."
chuck@edsi.plexus.COM | (Joel) (Servo) (Crow) -- MST3K
-----<Enterprise Data Systems Incorporated, Appleton Wisconsin>-----
From (peter da silva)
Subject: Re: vi window scrolling
Date: 12 Dec 91 15:37:53 GMT
Status: O
In article <>, (Jerry Schwartz) writes:
> How do you get a window to redraw instead of scrolling when doing a
> simple search ?
You search far enough ahead that a rewraw is faster than a scroll.
> Redraw is faster than an annoying short scroll.
It may be less annoying for you, but it's not faster. Seriously.
-- Peter da Silva
-- Ferranti International Controls Corporation
-- Sugar Land, TX 77487-5012; +1 713 274 5180
-- "Have you hugged your wolf today?"
From (Peter da Silva)
Subject: Re: vi window scrolling (vt100)
Status: O
OK, a *real* vt100 doesn't have delete and insert line, which is why you're
getting the @ characters: the terminfo entry is for a real circa 1981 vt100.
Select vt220, vt320, or some similar terminal type... or add both insert line
and delete line to the terminfo entry.
-- Peter da Silva
-- Ferranti International Controls Corporation
-- Sugar Land, TX 77487-5012; +1 713 274 5180
-- "Have you hugged your wolf today?"
Subject: Reverse video in vi
Keywords: reverse video, vi
Date: 17 Dec 91 16:23:47 GMT
Vi seems to know most of the termcap entries. Sometimes a message appears
in reverse video on the bottom line of the screen.
Is in possible to get vi to highlight an area in reverse video? Just as
one can yank from the current point to end of line, end of paragraph,
mark a, etc., it would be nice to give a command that would highlight
the screen in the same manner.
Michael Doob
Department of Mathematics
University of Manitoba
From (David John Cooper)
Subject: Going crazy with non-vi DOS editor
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 91 22:21:20 EST
Status: O
I have found myself in a DOS development situation,
and am going crazy trying to use the "user-friendly"
non-vi editors (qedit, dos edit, brief, etc...)
Does anyone know of a shareware vi for DOS, or where
there is "gnu" sourcecode or the like for a vi editor?
P.S. I have a (I think shareware) DOS vi called "z"
by Jom Goodnow, but it only handles files of up to
about 50k and doesn't have global search and replace,
file toggle (with e#) and is missing many other goodies)
(also only handles 7-bit characters).
From (Mullet Kevin Wright)
Subject: ex command to delete blank lines
Date: 23 Dec 91 14:37:32 GMT
Status: O
...okay, I'll take a vi command too, but I assume if I want to do
this in vi it'll be done at the ex level.
This sounds real easy, but I can't figgure a way to do it -- I want to
kill all blank lines in a vi buffer.
I know there's probably lotsa ways to do this with vi !!filters through
a script, but I'm interested in seeing if there's a way to do this from
vi or ex alone.
Please send to me and I'll post to the net.
-Kevin Mullet
University of North Texas
From (XiaoFei Wang)
Subject: Re: ex command to delete blank lines
Date: 26 Dec 91 12:11:04 GMT
Status: O
/* From the keyboard of (Mullet Kevin Wright) */:
:...okay, I'll take a vi command too, but I assume if I want to do
:this in vi it'll be done at the ex level.
:This sounds real easy, but I can't figgure a way to do it -- I want to
:kill all blank lines in a vi buffer.
:I know there's probably lotsa ways to do this with vi !!filters through
:a script, but I'm interested in seeing if there's a way to do this from
:vi or ex alone.
I am not sure why no one posts an answer. I am no unix/vi expert but I
will post one:
:1,$!sed -e '/^ *$/d'
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From (Robert Lutwak)
Subject: Re: ex command to delete blank lines
Date: 26 Dec 91 14:14:45 GMT
Status: O
How about:
:1,$ g/^$/d
From (Matthew Farwell)
Subject: Re: ex command to delete blank lines
Date: 28 Dec 91 23:40:58 GMT
Status: O
In article <> (XiaoFei Wang) writes:
>/* From the keyboard of (Mullet Kevin Wright) */:
>:...okay, I'll take a vi command too, but I assume if I want to do
>:this in vi it'll be done at the ex level.
>:This sounds real easy, but I can't figgure a way to do it -- I want to
>:kill all blank lines in a vi buffer.
>:I know there's probably lotsa ways to do this with vi !!filters through
>:a script, but I'm interested in seeing if there's a way to do this from
>:vi or ex alone.
>I am not sure why no one posts an answer. I am no unix/vi expert but I
>will post one:
>:1,$!sed -e '/^ *$/d'
I didn't see this first time round. Theres no need to resort to sed this
time (although your example will work). You can do this using the 'g'
command, ie
g stands for 'global'. The effect of the command is to execute the
specified ex command (in this case 'd') on every line which matches the
pattern. 'g' has a converse, 'v', which means execute the command on
every line *not* matching. The generic format for the g and v command is
:<range>g/<pat>/<ex command>
Most vi's accept the range, although I'm not sure if all do. If your vi
does let you use it, it's of the usual form, ie '1,$', etc. the /'s can
be replaced by another punctuation character, as normal. The ex command
can be almost anything.
Quick example: You want to replace all occurences of 'foo' with 'bar' on
each line which contains the string 'walter', and each previous line.
The search is restricted to the first 1000 lines.
Everyone got that? I'll be asking questions on it later....
-- || ...!uunet!uknet!ibmpcug!dylan
It is sometimes hard to decide whether Usenet is a glimpse into the 21st
century or a New England town meeting gone international - Andrew Tanenbaum
From (Arthur David Olson)
Subject: Re: ex command to delete blank lines
Status: O
> > :1,$!sed -e '/^ *$/d'
> :g/^$/d
Or use
and save a keystroke and two shifts.
Arthur David Olson
ADO and Elsie are Ampex and Borden trademarks
From (Michael Wagner)
Subject: vi (including file name)
Date: 9 Jan 92 20:47:44 GMT
Status: O
I'm working on a macro (in vi) that would allow me
to automatically write the name of the file into
the current cursor location in the file.
I know that "%" seems to be the name of the file,
it seems that you can rename a file with
I think I could usually simulate what I want with a
:r !ls %
but there has to be a better way.
From (Guenter Steinbach)
Subject: Re: vi (including file name)
Date: 10 Jan 92 23:41:01 GMT
Status: O
In comp.editors, (Michael Wagner) writes:
> I'm working on a macro (in vi) that would allow me
> to automatically write the name of the file into
> the current cursor location in the file.
Yes! I'd like that also. Right now all I can do is ^G to display the
name, then cut it with the mouse (under X11) and paste it where I need
it. But a macro would be so much nicer.
> I think I could usually simulate what I want with a
> :r !ls %
Usually, but not before the file has been written, else instead of
"filename" you'll get "filename not found".
Guenter Steinbach
From (David W. Tamkin)
Subject: Re: vi (including file name)
Date: 10 Jan 92 23:30:03 GMT
Status: O (Michael Wagner) wrote in <>:
| I'm working on a macro (in vi) that would allow me
| to automatically write the name of the file into
| the current cursor location in the file.
:r !echo % will write it below the current line, and
:-r !echo % will write it above the current line.
David W. Tamkin Box 7002 Des Plaines, Illinois 60018-7002 +1 708 518 6769 CIS: 73720,1570 MCI Mail: 426-1818 +1 312 693 0580
From ttobler@unislc.uucp (Trent Tobler)
Subject: Re: vi (including file name)
Date: 13 Jan 92 17:40:53 GMT
Status: RO (Guenter Steinbach) writes:
> In comp.editors, (Michael Wagner) writes:
> > I'm working on a macro (in vi) that would allow me
> > to automatically write the name of the file into
> > the current cursor location in the file.
> Yes! I'd like that also. Right now all I can do is ^G to display the
> name, then cut it with the mouse (under X11) and paste it where I need
> it. But a macro would be so much nicer.
> > I think I could usually simulate what I want with a
> > :r !ls %
> Usually, but not before the file has been written, else instead of
> "filename" you'll get "filename not found".
:r !echo %
Trent Tobler -