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2024-06-16 21:59:42 +02:00
From (Govind Vadvadgi)
Subject: vi: How to type S and ^Q in ascii file?
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1992 20:34:18 GMT
I was wondering if there is way to type Q ( Cntrl-Q ) and S ( Cntrl-S )
in an ascii file. ( I can type other charecters like , , etc. )
Thanks in advance.
From (Ronald Hello)
Subject: Re: vi: How to type S and ^Q in ascii file
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1992 11:30:43 GMT
In article, (John Gordon) writes:
rh> In vi, to enter any control character, first type Control-V, then
rh>the desired control character. For example, to enter a Control-Y, you
rh>would type: Control-V Control-Y
Seems to me he asked especially about Control-Q and Control-S, not about your
average Control character. Try it on a Sun, in vi with Control-S. I posted this
as a question here some time ago and it seems it's NOT possible on HP's and
Sun's for Control-S. Some machines will do it though. The Sun will do
it in the csh and sh (don't know about other shells) but not in vi, the
HP won't do it at all.
rh>John Gordon My incredibly witty saying has been
rh> Politically Corrected into oblivion.
// Ronald Hello (
// Department of Computer Science
// University of Twente
// The Netherlands
From (Ralf Lange Digital-PCS GmbH)
Subject: Re: Q: Inputting an Escape Sequence w/VI
Reply-To: (Ralf Lange Digital-PCS GmbH)
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 13:06:55 GMT
go into insert mode and type
every time you want to place the escape character
in your text. '^V' means CTRL-V and '^[' is the Escape key.
From (Hans Mulder)
Subject: Re: Q: Inputting an Escape Sequence w/VI
Date: 14 Jul 1993 16:50:33 +0200
In <> (Alice Farrelly) writes:
>Hi ,
>This is a quick question,
>How do I put escape sequences in a file using vi?
Type a control-V before the escape.
>I want to add the following sequence to highlight some lines.
>ESC&dA ([&dA)
That won't work on most terminals. Most terminals want something
like ESC[7m . If you want to write something that works on many
terminals, you'll have to extract the appropriate escape sequence
from the termcap (or terminfo) database. Or put a _ and a backspace
in front of every highlighted character, and let a program like more
(or ul, or less) figure it out.
To put a backspace in a file using vi, you have to type a control-V
before the backspace.
From ray@Celestial.COM (Ray Jones)
Subject: Re: Q: Inputting an Escape Sequence w/VI
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 16:27:20 GMT
In <> (Alice Farrelly) writes:
>Hi ,
>This is a quick question,
>How do I put escape sequences in a file using vi?
>I want to add the following sequence to highlight some lines.
>ESC&dA ([&dA)
This is the vary standard way to include any unprintable character in a
vi file. While in the input mode, enter a Control-V, followed by the
charater you wish to enter. For your example:
Control-V ESC &dA
and it will look like
INTERNET: ray@Celestial.COM | The probability of one or more
Ray A. Jones; Celestial Software | spelling errors in this missive
8545 S.E. 68th Street | approaches unity. If this bothers you,
Mercer Island, WA 98040;(206) 236-1676 | run it through your spell checker!
From brandari@anl433.uucp (Paul Brandariz x6546)
Subject: Re: Q: Inputting an Escape Sequence w/VI
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 15:47:36 GMT
Control-V will tell vi to take the next character as is. This is how
you can enter the ESC character.
Paul R. Brandariz E-mail Internet:
KLA Instruments Corp
P.O. Box 49055 Voice: (408) 456-6546
San Jose, CA 95161-90