From (Andrew Beattie) Subject: regular expression puzzle Date: 2 Mar 92 18:14:01 GMT I want to be able to take this input: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- some text [delete_this_bit ] some more text ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- and change it to this: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- some text [ ] some more text ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- By specifying that I want to replace all the characters within the "[]" delimeters with spaces. Can it be done in one shot with a regular expression? I am currently doing it one character at a time, thus: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sed ' :again s/\(\[ *\)[a-zA-Z_0-9]/\1 / t again ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- but surely there must be a neater way? Andrew -- From (Jeff Frane) Subject: vi question--scrambled long lines Summary: How to deal with over-long lines? Keywords: vi Date: 2 Mar 92 18:33:11 GMT Two questions, really. 1 Does anyone have any good vi documentation they can e-mail me? I have no way of retrieving anything by ftp. 2 What can I do about lines that get mangled when I attempt to reply, either to e-mail or to a posting. These seem to occur when the original writers are working on a wide terminal. The resulting lines get chopped off, or worse, the terminal here starts writing lines way over on the right margin. --Jeff Frane -- gummitch@techbook.COM Public Access UNIX at (503) 644-8135 (1200/2400) "You must allow that drunkenness, which is equally destructive to body and mind, is a fine pleasure." Lord Chesterfield, writing to his son From (Justin Twiss) Subject: Vi query Summary: Help with a VI Search command Keywords: vi search vowels Date: 29 Feb 92 14:28:22 GMT Greetings one and all... Just a quick question, one of my lecturers at tech has set me a smalkl task that I'm having a bit pof a problem with... Using VI's search commandss, create a serarch line that would only locate words that started and ended with a vowel.... I've spent three weeks on this and have just about given up in disgust.. Any ideas? Justin... From (Brian Fitzgerald) Subject: Re: Vi query Keywords: vi search vowels Date: Sun, 1 Mar 1992 06:14:44 GMT Justin Twiss writes: >Using VI's search commands, create a search line that would only >locate words that started and ended with a vowel.... Try /\<[aeiouAEIOU][^ tab]*[aeiouAEIOU]\> or, /\<[aeiouAEIOU][a-zA-Z']*[aeiouAEIOU]\> See ed(1). Adjust the middle [] to suit. Fails for single letter words like "a" or "I". Sorry. Brian From (Martin {martlbub} Kraegeloh) Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions Subject: Re: vi query Date: 2 Mar 92 22:17:21 GMT > Justin Twiss () asks: > > Using VI's search commands, create a search line that would only > locate words that started and ended with a vowel.... > vi's regular expressions match start and end of word with \< and \> . a word (let's say a string without tabs and blanks) starting and ending with a vowel is /\<[aeiou][^ ^I]*[aeiou]\>/ should w instead of W (in vi's syntax) be matched, use /\<[aeiou][A-Za-z0-9_]*[aeiou]\>/ Regards Martin From (Ricardo Marek) Subject: `vi' without `stty crt -tabs' gets crazy (Help!) Date: 2 Mar 92 16:56:49 GMT In our site, there are a few users that still use `vi' as default editor. But.. then, the user needs to run `stty crt -tabs' after he got login, so `vi' doesn't get @#$%. I know that the solution may be, using, `tset' command, but I didn't get the correct results.. Any hints will be helpfull and apreciated. (Please answer via e-mail, or posting to comp.sys.sun.*) --- Ricky -- Ricardo (Ricky) Marek (System Mng.) Fibronics Ltd., Matam Industrial Park, Haifa 31905, ISRAEL phones: +972-4-313690/670 Fax: +972-4-550550 e-mail: or ricky@fibronics.UUCP From ("John E. Davis") Subject: Tabs and Blanks: an experiment Date: 2 Mar 92 23:27:55 GMT Reply-To: (John E. Davis) There has been alot of discussion about tabs vs spaces. Here I present an a numerical argument in favor of 8 column tabs. But first, let me throw in a subjective statement. First of all, there seems to be almost universal agreement that tabs should be eight columns. Most devices assume this. Right or wrong this is the way it is. Of course the good ones allow the user to specify what the tabs are. Usually there is a command to set up tabs to 8 columns automatically. I have never seen one with an option of 4 column tabs. So it seems to be a good idea to stick with 8 column tabs. Many people prefer 4 column tabs for indentation purposes. In my opinion, this is an editor limitation. A good editor will indent the proper amount for you--- the tab key is usually bound to the indent command. The only real argument that one can make about tab size is based on the resulting file size. If four column tabs produce a smaller file size than eight column, then I'd say that we should adopt 4 column tabs. I propose a method to find out: let t be the tab size (4,8 or whatever). let d be the indentation of the line that one produces by using tabs and spaces. Obviously, the number of tabs and spaces, n, for a given indentation, d, is given by: n(d,t) = d - (d/t) * (t - 1) Here I am using integer arithmetic. Now suppose that the probability of an indentation d is p(d). Then the average number of tabs and spaces for an arbitrary line is given by: = sum_d { p(d) * n(d,t) } This gives the average number of tabs and spaces for a given tab size t. Thus one only minimize this with respect to t to determine the optimal tab size. The only undetermined quantity is the probability distribution p(d). One can get some idea of what ths is by examing many files and constructiong the distribution. This will also depend on the indentation used by the person and on what one calls the tab size. In the following, I consider equal probalities. That is I take p(d) a constant. Then consider the program: #include main() { int sum, i, t, n; t = 1; while (t < 50) { sum = 0; for (i = 1; i < 80; i++) { n = i / t; sum += i - n * (t - 1); } printf("%d %d\n", t, sum); t++; } } with the output 1 3160 2 1600 3 1106 4 880 5 760 6 690 7 652 8 640 9 632 <-------- optimal choice 10 640 11 640 12 652 13 676 14 690 15 710 16 760 17 760 18 780 19 820 20 880 21 880 22 892 23 916 24 952 25 1000 . . . 47 1642 48 1656 49 1672 So as you can see, the optimal amount for equal probabilities is at t = 9. --John From ("John E. Davis") Newsgroups: comp.editors Subject: Re: Tabs and Blanks: an experiment Date: 3 Mar 92 00:46:29 GMT Reply-To: (John E. Davis) In the previous article, I wrote a program for which I assummed equal probabilities. This is not really true. I really assumed that p(d) = const != 0 for d < 80 and 0 otherwise Here the cutoff was 80. Making the cutoff bigger will give greater tab sizes and making it less will produce smaller ones. It seems difficult to calculate p(d). As I said earlier, it depends on what one chooses for the tab size. This is just another reason for conformance to a standard. Still, I find it interesting if someone writes a sed, awk or whatever script that calculates p(d) for a large number of files using 8 column tabs with the assumption that this is most common. In fact we can play the same game as earlier: Take a poll to find the probability q(t) that one uses tab size t. It will most likely be peaked at 8 with a small bump at 4. Then fold this probability into the calculation of p(d). That is, calculate p(d;t) using tab size t by examing a ton of files with the above script. Then define p(d) = sum_t { p(d;t) * q(t) } and use the result in the calculation of the previous article. --John From (peter da silva) Subject: Re: Tabs and Blanks Organization: Xenix Support, FICC Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1992 18:59:48 GMT In article <> (Chris Lewis) writes: > What's wrong with this is that it rules out coding styles that use > indentation that's not always constant. [...] > if ((blah blah.....) + > (blah blah blah) - > .... > ) Ah, but I *use* that sort of thing, and I still use the "tab indent adjust tabstops" trick as well. The point is, this isn't a new block so I don't want to treat it as an indent. > You can't use pure tabs for this. In fact, you can't adjust tab width > at all without losing the logical layout. Somehow that never seems to be a problem in practice. -- -- Peter da Silva, Ferranti International Controls Corporation -- Sugar Land, TX 77487-5012; +1 713 274 5180 -- "Have you hugged your wolf today?" From (peter da silva) Newsgroups: comp.editors Subject: Re: Tabs and Blanks: an experiment Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1992 18:01:27 GMT In article (John E. Davis) writes: > The only real argument that one can make about tab size is based on the > resulting file size. That's just plain not true. Se previous discussions about dynamically changing tab sizes for details. -- -- Peter da Silva, Ferranti International Controls Corporation -- Sugar Land, TX 77487-5012; +1 713 274 5180 -- "Have you hugged your wolf today?" From (Einar Indridason) Subject: Re: Tabs and Blanks Date: 6 Mar 92 09:55:41 GMT In <> (Timo Salmi) writes: >In article <> (Steve Balogh (+61 3 565 4747)) writes: >>The FIRST thing I do when I obtain some "new" source code is to replace all >>tabs with spaces. I HATE TABS in source code. They seem to make editing and >>reformating much harder than it needs to be. >So do I. If you are using a PC you might be interested in Humm. This seems to be turning to a (dare I mention it?) Holy war? My philosofi in this matter is to try to be consistent in indention style. I sometimes get a source that is indented in a very wierd way. Most of the time, it is better to follow the current indention style, whether it uses spaces or tabs, rather than fix the whole source to fit your own indention style. However, in my own source I use tabs for indenting (no email flames about that, please) I can adjust the tabsize to a number I like. I usually keep the tab set at 8, but sometimes I set it to 4. I find it a good indicator that a program needs re-structuring, if a line goes beond the ~40th column, with a tabsize of 8. Humm. And while I'm writing this, I have one question: When is the next version of elvis to appear? (And how many bugs will remain :-) -- Internet: | "Just give me my command line and drag UUCP: ..!mcsun!isgate!rhi!einari | the GUIs to the waste basket!!!!" Surgeon Generals warning: Masking the 8th bit can seriously damage your brain!! From hartman@ulogic.UUCP (Richard M. Hartman) Subject: Re: Tabs and Blanks Date: 7 Mar 92 00:10:26 GMT In article <> (Steve Balogh (+61 3 565 4747)) writes: >In article <> (Chris Lewis) writes: >> Futzing around with non-8 tab widths is a fools game. It can >> turn mild-mannered system integrators into screaming maniacs. >> (Speaking as one who has screamed more than once ;-) > >The FIRST thing I do when I obtain some "new" source code is to replace all >tabs with spaces. I HATE TABS in source code. They seem to make editing and >reformating much harder than it needs to be. > >Anyway it works for me. :) > >Steve > I am suprised at all of you. One of the first sets of utility programs I ever wrote are called "tabex" and "retab". The tabex expands all tabs found in a file into the correct number of spaces. (Taking into account nasty little things like space-tab combinations, I actually count the columns & calculate tab-stops instead of doing a simple substitution). "Retab" does just the opposite. Converting all spaces possible into tabs using the spacing given. With these two programs it is a simple matter to convert text from any tabbing convention to the one you like (and back). All this fuss over nothing! -Richard Hartman hartman@uLogic.COM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Extensive studies have shown that 93% of all statistics are meaningless. From (Jeff Frane) Subject: vi question--scrambled long lines Summary: How to deal with over-long lines? Keywords: vi Date: 2 Mar 92 18:33:11 GMT Two questions, really. 1 Does anyone have any good vi documentation they can e-mail me? I have no way of retrieving anything by ftp. 2 What can I do about lines that get mangled when I attempt to reply, either to e-mail or to a posting. These seem to occur when the original writers are working on a wide terminal. The resulting lines get chopped off, or worse, the terminal here starts writing lines way over on the right margin. --Jeff Frane -- gummitch@techbook.COM Public Access UNIX at (503) 644-8135 (1200/2400) "You must allow that drunkenness, which is equally destructive to body and mind, is a fine pleasure." Lord Chesterfield, writing to his son From (Vic Ryan) Subject: Re: Tabs and Blanks Date: Sat, 7 Mar 1992 11:45:28 GMT hartman@ulogic.UUCP (Richard M. Hartman) writes: >In article <> (Steve Balogh (+61 3 565 4747)) writes: >>In article <> (Chris Lewis) writes: >>> Futzing around with non-8 tab widths is a fools game. It can >>> turn mild-mannered system integrators into screaming maniacs. >>> (Speaking as one who has screamed more than once ;-) >> >>The FIRST thing I do when I obtain some "new" source code is to replace all >>tabs with spaces. I HATE TABS in source code. They seem to make editing and >>reformating much harder than it needs to be. >> >>Anyway it works for me. :) >> >>Steve >> >I am suprised at all of you. One of the first sets of utility >programs I ever wrote are called "tabex" and "retab". The tabex >expands all tabs found in a file into the correct number of spaces. >(Taking into account nasty little things like space-tab combinations, >I actually count the columns & calculate tab-stops instead of doing >a simple substitution). "Retab" does just the opposite. Converting >all spaces possible into tabs using the spacing given. With these >two programs it is a simple matter to convert text from any tabbing >convention to the one you like (and back). All this fuss over nothing! GREAT....!!!! Where does one get these wonderful utilties ????? --------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Vic From (peter da silva) Newsgroups: comp.editors Subject: Re: Tabs and Blanks Date: 9 Mar 92 19:13:47 GMT In article <26@ulogic.UUCP> hartman@ulogic.UUCP (Richard M. Hartman) writes: > With these > two programs it is a simple matter to convert text from any tabbing > convention to the one you like (and back). All this fuss over nothing! OK, I'll check a file out of SCCS, convert it to my tab format, edit it, and check it back in. You do the same. Let's see how quickly we can run out of disk space. -- -- Peter da Silva, Ferranti International Controls Corporation -- Sugar Land, TX 77487-5012; +1 713 274 5180 -- "Have you hugged your wolf today?" From (Marc North) Subject: Re: VI Limitations Date: 10 Mar 92 17:45:53 GMT > Rich Thompson writes: > > Yesterday when I was editing a file using VI, I was given an error > saying the line I was using was too long. Is there anyway to get > around this? The line I was editing needed to be extremely long > and I ended up having to use emacs for that particular file. Well, to the best of my knowledge, there isn't. If you want, I can send you a program that will chop all overly long lines to a nice, respectible 77 characters. It's not great on formatting, but it does take tabs equal to eight spaces into consideration. Email me and I will send. Marc -- Marc North -- ULYSSES Systems Corporation (USC) From (WUTHRICH Serge IMHEF DME EPFL) Subject: vi with X-window features Date: 11 Mar 92 12:14:46 GMT Has somebody seen a verion of vi with full X-window extension like use of the mouse to cut/paste/delete/scroll/etc. ? Thanks, Serge ----- S.Wuthrich From (Steve Balogh (+61 3 565 4747)) Newsgroups: comp.editors Subject: Re: Tabs and Blanks Date: 12 Mar 92 01:52:13 GMT In article <> (Steve Balogh (+61 3 565 4747)) writes: > >The FIRST thing I do when I obtain some "new" source code is to replace all >tabs with spaces. I HATE TABS in source code. They seem to make editing and >reformating much harder than it needs to be. > I suppose I should be fair and say that there are other reasons that I "fix up" source code in this manner. Yes, I do remove TABS, but I also change other aspects of the program layout such as the placing of { and } characters, the spacing between items on a line, and so on. I also add many comments as I discover what particular sections of code do. I find that by going through a program in such a way gives me a better idea of how it works. I suppose it is similar to taking notes during lectures by helping you remember the facts. Anyway, it works for me. Steve ----_--_-_-_--_-__-_------_-__---_-___-_----_-____-_-_--__-_--_--___-_-_-_--__-_ Steve Balogh VK3YMY (Maths G.14) | Monash University, Clayton Campus | 37 54'38.8"S 145 07'47.1"E ...ICBM Wellington Road, Clayton. | +61 3 565 4747 Voice (Office) Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. 3168 | +61 3 565 4746 Fax From (Greg McFarlane) Newsgroups: comp.editors Subject: Using the vi -c command line option Date: 12 Mar 92 23:54:11 GMT On my system, the command: vi -c ":set ic" -c /greg file does not work. I expected it to set the ignorecase flag and then edit "file" stopping at the first occurrence of [Gg][Rr][Ee][Gg]. However, the :set command seems to be ignored. The following commands work as expected: vi -c ":set ic" file vi -c /greg file Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong? I am using a Sparc, SunOS 4.1. Greg -- ACSnet: Greg McFarlane UUCP: {uunet,mcvax}!!gregm |||| OTC || Snail: OTC R&D GPO Box 7000, Sydney 2001, Australia Phone: +61 2 287 3139 Fax: +61 2 287 3299 From (Brett J. Heroux) Subject: re: vi command line thing Date: 13 Mar 92 05:17:36 GMT Lines: 7 Multiple comands on the command line, hmmm. I tried vi ":set ic | /see" tfile and the editor started up at a line containg "sEE" in tfile. Brett Heroux From (Hans Mulder) Subject: Re: Using the vi -c command line option Date: 13 Mar 92 14:26:17 GMT In <5231@otc.otca.oz> (Greg McFarlane) writes: >On my system, the command: > vi -c ":set ic" -c /greg file >does not work. I expected it to set the ignorecase flag and then edit "file" >stopping at the first occurrence of [Gg][Rr][Ee][Gg]. However, the :set command >seems to be ignored. The following commands work as expected: > vi -c ":set ic" file > vi -c /greg file You're trying to pass two commands via the -c interface, and it accepts only one. You should combine the commands using the '|' separator instead: vi -c ":set ic | /greg" file Notes: 1. The ':' is optional. 2. You can abbreviate "-c " to "+", i.e. vi +"set ic|/greg" file also works. 3. The default is "-c 1", i.e. start at the top of the buffer, rather than at the bottom (the ex default). Using an explicit "-c" or "+" on the command line overrules the default. As a result the search starts at the last line. That's OK for a forward search, but vi +"set ic|?greg" file would overlook an occurrance of "Greg" on the last line. You've probably noticed that vi -c ":set ic" file starts at the last line. Use vi -c ":set ic | 1" file or vi +"set ic|1" file if you prefer to start at the top. -- Hope this helps, Hans Mulder From (Anthony Howe) Subject: Re: Using the vi -c command line option Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1992 23:05:23 GMT (Hans Mulder) writes: [....] > >Notes: >1. The ':' is optional. >2. You can abbreviate "-c " to "+", i.e. > vi +"set ic|/greg" file Note that the +command option is obsolescent in POSIX.2a. To me that means +command may disappear at some point in the future. If you're not in the habit now of using +, stick with -c so that when you move to systems with POSIX conforming VI, you don't get caught by a vendor who decided to drop obsolescent forms. >also works. [...] -- Anthony C Howe Mortice Kern Systems Inc. 35 King St. N., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2J 6W9 "Congratulations, you've reached 10cm dilation. You may now give birth." - Worf From (sid cowles) Newsgroups: comp.editors Subject: Re: Using the vi -c command line option Date: 15 Mar 92 18:00:45 GMT In article <5231@otc.otca.oz>, (Greg McFarlane) writes: |> On my system, the command: |> vi -c ":set ic" -c /greg file |> |> does not work. I expected it to set the ignorecase flag and then edit "file" |> stopping at the first occurrence of [Gg][Rr][Ee][Gg]. ... |> |> Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong? |> |> I am using a Sparc, SunOS 4.1. the following places the cursor on the first line with the searched for regexp: vi -c ":set ic|/greg" file where the vertical bar is used to separate the two commands. sid cowles voice: +1-510-596-3971 internet: uucp: {pacbell,sun,{uunet,ucbvax}!mtxinu}!sybase!sid {backbone}!lll-winken!humpty!scowles From (Marc North) Subject: Re: VI Limitations Date: 10 Mar 92 17:45:53 GMT > Rich Thompson writes: > > Yesterday when I was editing a file using VI, I was given an error > saying the line I was using was too long. Is there anyway to get > around this? The line I was editing needed to be extremely long > and I ended up having to use emacs for that particular file. Well, to the best of my knowledge, there isn't. If you want, I can send you a program that will chop all overly long lines to a nice, respectible 77 characters. It's not great on formatting, but it does take tabs equal to eight spaces into consideration. Email me and I will send. Marc -- Marc North -- ULYSSES Systems Corporation (USC) From gordon@osiris (John Gordon) Subject: Vi message 'Where are you?' from !}fmt command - huh? Keywords: vi,where,are,you Date: 18 Mar 92 15:32:05 GMT We have a user who, when she does a !}fmt command in vi, gets the text 'Where are you?' entered into her document. She says that it just started happening recently. I saw it happen, and checked her path, aliases, and did a 'strings' on vi and fmt, but no luck. Anyone out there have an idea? She is working on a Sun SPARC workstation. John Gordon From (Hans Mulder) Subject: Re: Vi message 'Where are you?' from !}fmt command - huh? Keywords: vi,where,are,you Date: 18 Mar 92 19:07:27 GMT In <> gordon@osiris (John Gordon) writes: > We have a user who, when she does a !}fmt command in vi, gets the text >'Where are you?' entered into her document. She says that it just started >happening recently. I saw it happen, and checked her path, aliases, and did >a 'strings' on vi and fmt, but no luck. Anyone out there have an idea? She recently put biff y in the wrong part of her ~/.cshrc file. It should have been between the lines if ($?prompt) then and endif and it isn't. If her .login gets sourced when she logs in, she should move it there, otherwise should put it between those lines. Or, if there aren't any such lines, she could abbreviate it if ($?prompt) biff y or if she uses a shell with a sane syntax, she would say if [ $# = 0 ] then biff y fi or if [ $# = 0 ]; then biff y; fi in the file that she put the "biff y" in. -- Hans Mulder From (Stig Jacobsen) Subject: Re: vi puzzler .. Date: 22 Mar 92 13:43:08 GMT (Sriram Srinivasah) writes: >If I am editing file .c, how do I, with one keystroke, edit file .h ? >Is there some way of getting the output of 'file' or '%' into a buffer ? :e `basename % .c`.h I suppose that this can be bound to a key with map, but I'm not familiar enough with it to tell you how. -- Stig Jacobsen Born confused Died dazed From (David A Rasmussen) Subject: vi startup in insert mode? Date: 21 Mar 92 17:12:11 GMT Um, someone last week or so posted an article, apparently not in this group on how to start up vi in insert mode. I didn't save the article, and now wanted to see how they did that. Also, if I define a macro in my joverc file, and I try to auto-execute-macro it, I get an error about recursion. Anyone have a suggestion for me with this? thx in advance. -- Dave Rasmussen - Systems Programmer/Manager, UW-Milwaukee Computing Svcs Div., Uucp:uwm!dave, AT&T:414-229-5133 USmail:Box 413 EMS380,Milwaukee,WI 53201 From (Sriram Srinivasah) Subject: vi puzzler .. Date: 21 Mar 92 18:55:40 GMT If I am editing file .c, how do I, with one keystroke, edit file .h ? Is there some way of getting the output of 'file' or '%' into a buffer ? Sriram ( From brandy@tramp.Colorado.EDU (BRANDAUER CARL M) Subject: Re: vi puzzler .. Date: 22 Mar 92 18:56:13 GMT (Sriram Srinivasah) writes: >If I am editing file .c, how do I, with one keystroke, edit file .h ? >Is there some way of getting the output of 'file' or '%' into a buffer ? Start your editing session with: vi .c .h After you have finished with .c the first time, type :n to edit .h. After the first go around, CTRL-^ will let you alternate between the two files. Cheers From (Stig Jacobsen) Subject: Re: vi puzzler .. Date: 22 Mar 92 13:43:08 GMT (Sriram Srinivasah) writes: >If I am editing file .c, how do I, with one keystroke, edit file .h ? >Is there some way of getting the output of 'file' or '%' into a buffer ? :e `basename % .c`.h I suppose that this can be bound to a key with map, but I'm not familiar enough with it to tell you how. -- Stig Jacobsen Born confused Died dazed From soh@andromeda.trl.OZ.AU (Kam Hung Soh) Subject: Re: vi puzzler .. Date: 24 Mar 92 22:35:24 GMT (Sriram Srinivasah) writes: >If I am editing file .c, how do I, with one keystroke, edit file .h ? >Is there some way of getting the output of 'file' or '%' into a buffer ? Try this macro: map CHAR :e `basename % .c`.h^M % is the current file name. basename returns a string without the suffix found in the second argument. `...` returns the result of some command. You can now toggle between the two files using CTRL-^. Mind you, starting vi with both filenames would be easier. In [t]csh: $ vi x.[ch] Regards, -- Soh, Kam Hung, Network Management Research, | TRL, POB 249 Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia | +61 3 253 6638 From (Martien Verbruggen) Subject: case macros in vi ? Keywords: case, vi, macro Date: 30 Mar 92 10:04:51 GMT Hello, I got some macros from an anonymous ftp-site, which should alter the case of a word and a line in vi. the macro for the line works allright, but the macro for the word ( using the macro for the line ) doesn't. The macro' are as follows: " shift case down for word map _l mzywop0_Ldw`zPwdwjddk " shift case down for line map _L :s/\([A-Z]*\)/\L\1/g It seems that the macro for the word went wrong at the p. When I type it in by hand it works allright. Can anyone help me out ? -- Martien Verbruggen Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands. -- Yesterday I thought I was insecure..... Today I'm not so sure anymore.