From (Brian E. Saunders) Subject: VI Mapping Help Date: 11 Sep 92 18:24:32 CDT I am using remapping commands to do some common tasks in vi in a smaller amount of time. If I place the map commands in the .exrc file, or the .login file, these keyboard remappings work when I edit a file in my home directory, but somehow they don't show up if I'm working in any subdirectory. Can any of you gurus tell me why this is happenning? My setting commands in the .exrc file and .login file (e.g. wrapmargin = n) translate to the subdirectories, so this is very confusing behavior. -- Brian E. Saunders From ( Mike Marak) Subject: Re: VI Mapping Help Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1992 04:36:50 GMT In article <> (Brian E. Saunders) writes: >I am using remapping commands to do some common tasks in vi in a smaller >amount of time. If I place the map commands in the .exrc file, or the >.login file, these keyboard remappings work when I edit a file in my home >directory, but somehow they don't show up if I'm working in any One of the guys in the lab here showed us how to do this. Try this in your .login: setenv EXINIT 'set wm=o [any other options] | source ~/.exrc' This works for ULTRIX (csh), abd should work for other flavors of unix. Hope this helps Mike ****************************************************************** * Mike Marak * * * * Lab Manager * (514)848-3118 * SPACE * * EMC Lab * Room CC-109 * FOR * * Loyola Campus * 7141 Sherbrooke St. W. * RENT * * Concordia University * Montreal, Canada * * ****************************************************************** From (Martien Verbruggen) Subject: Re: VI Mapping Help Date: 14 Sep 92 08:16:30 GMT Reply-To: (Brian E. Saunders) writes: >I am using remapping commands to do some common tasks in vi in a smaller >amount of time. If I place the map commands in the .exrc file, or the >.login file, these keyboard remappings work when I edit a file in my home >directory, but somehow they don't show up if I'm working in any >subdirectory. Can any of you gurus tell me why this is happenning? My >setting commands in the .exrc file and .login file (e.g. wrapmargin = n) >translate to the subdirectories, so this is very confusing behavior. >-- >Brian E. Saunders Normally vi looks for a .exrc in the current directory first, then, if it doesn't find one, in the directory that is contained by the environment variable HOME (your home-directory), and then executes. When you set the EXINIT variable, it will always execute the contents of this, then look for a .exrc in the current dir, but it doesn't look in your home directory anymore. (at least the vi versions I worked with didn't). It took me a very long time to figure this out. Nowadays I don't set EXINIT, but only keep a .exrc in my home and every other directory where it has to be different (fortran, c, and so on). This means that vi always uses the .exrc in my home, except when the current directory contains one. Hope this helps. -- Martien Verbruggen ( | | If two wrongs don't make a right, Eindhoven University of technology | try three. Department of Chemical Engineering | From (Donald S. Teiser) Subject: map in .exrc versus via :map in vi itself Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 14:32:30 GMT I have a question that is probably yet another vi FAQ: When I do the following in vi, it works for mapping "]" to "^D" :map ] ^V^D However, when I add the following line to my .exrc file, I end up with the infamous "RHS missing" error when I :so .exrc map ] ^V^D I do not have this problem when mapping "[" to "^U". Any suggestions? ********************************************************************* ** Donald S. Teiser voice: (502) 588-7994 * ** Tech Support for VMS & Ultrix fax: (502) 588-8896 * ** University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292 * ** * ********************************************************************* From Lowe@Fwva.Saic.Com Subject: Vi mapping Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 14:25:05 GMT Hi all. I have a problem. I created the following map in vi: x j 4dd h dd k P h x d2w x J h r . I mapped these to g. When I invoke g, however, it chokes. Any ideas why? Thanks for any and all help. grant From (Holger Joist) Subject: Re: Vi mapping Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 15:21:21 GMT Lowe@Fwva.Saic.Com writes: >Hi all. I have a problem. I created the following map in vi: >x j 4dd h dd k P h x d2w x J h r . I mapped these to g. >When I invoke g, however, it chokes. Any ideas why? Thanks for any >and all help. After '4dd' the cursor is at the beginning of the line, so 'h' doesn't work. Did you check the above sequence without mapping? Bye, Holger --- Snail: Holger Joist, Neue Strasse 29, 8520 Erlangen, Germany Email: From (Donald S. Teiser) Subject: Re: map in .exrc versus via :map in vi itself Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 20:05:12 GMT Oh, now I see what is happening. The ^D is being interpreted as an EndOfFile mark for the .exrc file. Any workarounds possible folks? ********************************************************************* ** Donald S. Teiser voice: (502) 588-7994 * ** Tech Support for VMS & Ultrix fax: (502) 588-8896 * ** University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292 * ** * **********************************************************