From Tom Christiansen Subject: Re: vi: how does one deal with characters like \331 ? Reply-To: tchrist@convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1992 19:25:24 GMT Corp. The opinions expressed are those of the user and not necessarily those of CONVEX. >From the keyboard of (John Gordon): :In vi, how do you enter a character like \331 into a search pattern? Under most implementations, you don't, since most versions can't edit 8-bit files anyway. --tom -- Tom Christiansen convex!tchrist Emacs is a fine operating system, but I still prefer UNIX. -me From (John Gordon) Subject: vi: how does one deal with characters like \331 ? Date: 16 Jul 92 18:44:07 GMT In vi, how do you enter a character like \331 into a search pattern? --- John Gordon My incredibly witty saying has been Politically Corrected into oblivion. From (Mitch Wyle) Subject: Re: vi: how does one deal with characters like \331 ? Date: 20 Jul 92 17:11:52 GMT In <> tchrist@convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) writes: >:In vi, how do you enter a character like \331 into a search pattern? > >Under most implementations, you don't, since most versions can't >edit 8-bit files anyway. > Tom Christiansen convex!tchrist :verssion Version SVR3.1 (in sun-os) does edit 8-bit chars, Mitch Wyle (415) 694 4076 (work) Synopsys Inc (408) 255 1848 (home) 700 E. Middlefield Rd. (415) 965 8637 (fax) Mountain View, CA 94043-4033 (800) 843 5669 x4076 (VoiceMail) From gordon@osiris (John Gordon) Subject: how to deal with octal characters in vi? Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1992 04:45:30 GMT Recently, I had cause to edit a file using vi, and the file had a few upper-ASCII characters in it. They show up as octal characters, i.e. \056, \310