From (Stefan Fuenfrocken) Subject: "too dangerous to map that" Date: 27 Jan 1993 09:05:45 GMT PathPath: aldebaran!fuenf Hi, Under what circumstance do i get the " too dangerous to map that" message? There were a few times vi refused to map something. e.g. perform search for fixed patten :map xx /pattern Does this mean, that i probably will run into conflict with 'internal' vi mappings? Is there a way to do the mapping anyway. e.g: space bar mapping (well, bad example, since it is not too dangerous to map ;) ) map ^V something an then redefine the mappings for 's' and '~', which use the spacebar-mapping, accordingly with the 'l' as substitute. Another question: -) is there a way to use the 'unmapped' meaning of mapped symbols? suppose you map! the ESC-key to somthing (a stupid thing, i know ;) ), which leaves you with (almost) no possibility to return from any insert/appand/open mode; the only thing a can imagine, is to map! an other key to ESC ( with noremap