[... Old Article Quoting goes here ...] From one of the INDEX files at the VI/EX archives around the world: [... Flielist ...] The VI/EX archives can be found at: Europe: Main site: alf.uib.no ( Filearea: pub/vi Peak hours: 07.00 am GMT to 03.00 pm GMT Japan: Mirror site: utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp ( Filearea: misc/vi-archive Peak hours: 01.00 am GMT to 09.00 am GMT USA, Canada and Mexico: Mirror site: cs.uwp.edu ( Filearea: /pub/vi Peak hours: None. Mirror site: ftp.uu.net ( Filearea: /pub/text-processing/vi Peak hours: None. Australia, NZ and the rest Down Under: Main site: monu6.cc.monash.edu.au ( Filearea: /pub/Vi Peak hours: Not relevent For more information about the files in the archives fetch the INDEX file. If you need more information, you are welcome to mail Ruben@uib.no. \Ruben.