Newsgroups: comp.editors,news.answers,comp.answers Followup-To: poster Message-ID: From: Expires: Tue, 07 Mar 94 09:19:51 GMT Subject: Introduction to comp.editors (July 29 1993) Date: Tue, 28 Feb 94 09:19:50 GMT Reply-To: Sender: X-FaqTool: FaqWare version 1.00-000 - Copyright(C) Ove Ruben R Olsen Archive-name: editor-faq/pointer This message is automatically posted once a week to inform new readers of what Comp.Editors is about. It also contains where to get the latest version of the regular postings that is in this group. If you don't want to see this posting every week, please add the subject line to your kill file. The Subject: indicates when this message was last changed. What is the group comp.editors about ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comp.editors is an INET group for the discussion of editors, editing interfaces and internals generally. For discussion of what an INET group is, please see the regular postings in news.announce.newusers. There was discussion some time back about making comp.editors into a regular usenet group, but so far nothing has come of it. If, however, you are interested in "EMACS", a very special editor, then you should look at (and post to) these groups: comp.emacs However, if the question is about an emacs in relation to another type of editor, then its probably ok to post it here. There was 4 regular postings to this group: - List of EMACS implementations (Posted every 2. month). - The INDEX files in the VI/EX archives around the world (Posted monthly). - FAQ for Comp.Editors. The two following FAQ is looking for a new home: - List of editors. The files can be found on the following archives: Europe /pub/vi/comp.editors.ARC Comp.Editors FAQ VI/EX archivelist /pub/vi/comp.editors.FAQ Comp.Editors FAQ. Japan /misc/vi/comp.editors.ARC Comp.Editors FAQ VI/EX archivelist. /pub/lpf/misc/comp.editors.FAQ Comp.Editors FAQ. Mexico, Canada and USA /pub/vi/comp.editors.ARC Comp.Editors FAQ VI/EX archivelist. /pub/lpf/misc/comp.editors.FAQ Comp.Editors FAQ. /pub/usenet/comp.editors/Emacs_implementations,_list_of,_regular_post_[long] /pub/usenet/comp.editors/comp.editors_-_VI_Archives /pub/text-processing/vi/comp.editors.FAQ Comp.Editors FAQ. /pub/text-processing/vi/comp.editors.ARC Comp.Editors FAQ VI/EX archive. Australia, NZ and the rest Down Under /pub/Vi/comp.editors.ARC Comp.Editors FAQ VI/EX archivelist. /pub/lpf/misc/comp.editors.FAQ Comp.Editors FAQ. \Ruben.