From (nicholas.hounsome) Subject: Re: UNIX COMMAND IN VI SESSION. Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1992 07:33:09 GMT >From article <>, by (Farid Hamjavar): > > Hello : OCT-01-92 > > VI allows you to execute UNIX commands in a VI session. > How can I enter AT THE CURSER, the output of the UNIX's "date" command ? > :map ^X i^M^[:r!date^MddpkkJJ This will not work correctly at the end of a line because of the two joins. or :map ^X ma:r!date^Mj0d$`apmajdd`a This uses d$ to delete to the end of the line but not the newline and uses the little known but useful backquote which puts you at the marked character position. There is no way to read in directly at the cursor position because the read has to be done in ex line editor mode which does not understand cursor position (or `). > > > ThankS a lot. > Farid Hamjavar > Nic Hounsome From (Jonathan H. N. Chin) Subject: Re: UNIX COMMAND IN VI SESSION. Date: 2 Oct 92 08:29:38 GMT (Farid Hamjavar) asked: >VI allows you to execute UNIX commands in a VI session. >How can I enter AT THE CURSER, the output of the UNIX's "date" command ? If you want the cursor to end up in the same place as it started: mao^[!!date^M"ad$`aPjdd`a where ^[ is the ESC key and ^M is the RETURN key. Alternatively to get the cursor to finish _after_ the inserted text: i^M^Mx^[k!!date^MkJxJxx Again ^[ is ESC and ^M is RETURN. The first and last x are not needed but ensure that no spaces are either added or deleted. Note that there are numerous other ways to do this operation. If you don't plan on using the above inside a macro, you can omit the named buffers from the first example, making it the same number of keystrokes as the second example. Or you can omit various bits if you don't care where the cursor ends up, etc. Jonathan -- Jonathan H N Chin, 8 kyu \ Dept. of Cybernetics, \ "Respondeo, etsi mutabor" \ University of Reading \ \ Box 225, Whiteknights \ < Rosenstock-Huessy > \ Reading, RG6 2AY, U K \ From rac@sherpa.uucp (Roger Cornelius) Subject: Re: UNIX COMMAND IN VI SESSION. Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1992 14:13:43 GMT In article <>, (Farid Hamjavar) writes: > > Hello : OCT-01-92 > > VI allows you to execute UNIX commands in a VI session. > How can I enter AT THE CURSER, the output of the UNIX's "date" command ? vi has no builtin way to do this. !!date will overwrite the contents of the current line, or :
r !date will insert the date at
or after the current line if
is not specified. Otherwise, create a macro to do what you want. -- Roger Cornelius sherpa! ...!uunet!sherpa!rac From (Hans Mulder) Subject: Re: Paragraphs and vi Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1992 14:29:57 GMT In <> (Eric Goldstein) writes: >In vi, fmt can be invoked for the paragraph in question by >using the !}fmt command. >In my case, this just about works (but not quite). The >paragraph does get formated, but the system then inserts >a message directly into my text. Using the example I gave >earlier: >------------------------------------------------------------------ >stty: TCGETS: Operation not supported on socket Oh well, at least stty mentions it's name in the message you get. Biff just says "Where are you?", giving you no clue whatsoever. This is essentially question 2.7 in the FAQ for comp.unix.questions. The answer is that it is a problem with your .cshrc file (or equivalent for whatever shell you use.) That file contains a line with an stty command, maybe: stty erase ^H # or whatever If your shell is a C shell or compatible, change that to read: if ($?prompt) stty erase ^H # or whatever endif Or, if it's a Bourne shell compatible, make that: if [ ${PS1+x} = x ] then stty erase ^H # or whatever fi Oh, if there is a line starting with: set prompt= or PS1= respectively, put that line between the if/endif pair c.q. then/fi pair as well. -- Hope this helps, Hans Mulder From (Philip Kizer) Subject: Re: Piping just *1* line [Was: mapping space bar] Date: 27 Jan 1993 22:41:14 -0600 Once, wrote: >BTW: > - is there a way to pipe just *1* line through a filter? I find things like > !jsome_command >always send two lines. Certainly: !!some_command Just like dd, cc, and yy say to delete, change and yank the current line (respectively), !! says to pipe the current line to the command. G'day, philip From kevinpb@sierra.COM (Kevin P. Brannen) Subject: Re: more shell command in "vi" Date: 26 May 93 17:47:20 GMT Article-I.D.: sierra.1993May26.174720.15762 In article <>, (Xia X Jin) writes: |> I have the following question: how to you, for example, do the |> following sorting in vi: |> |> 1. given a line, sort all words in that line alphabetically. |> Put your cursor on the line you want to change and try: !!tr " " "\012" | sort | xargs |> 2. given several lines, sort those lines according to the second |> word of each line. |> Mark one of the lines (with the ma command) and try: !'a!sort +1 -2 |> |> |> Thanks. Your welcome, try reading up on the ! command. |> |> -- |> Steve Bonus info to whomever: I found a new book about vi that's really good, though somewhat biased towards HP machines: "The Ultimate Guide to the VI and EX Text Editors", ISBN#0-8053-4460-8 Kevin Brannen From (Bob Dyas) Subject: vi escape filter problems Reply-To: Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1993 22:22:36 GMT I've been having a problem whenever I use the vi escape filter mechanism. The following line always ends up in the file I'm editing: stty: TCGETS: Operation not supported on socket Anyone out there know what I can do to get rid of this? I'm running vi from an xterm under OpenWindows. --- Bob Dyas From (Wooed Sun) Subject: Why this output with ! in vi? Date: 21 Jul 1993 19:15:08 GMT Hi, When I use '!)sort', ':.,30!sort' or a similar kind in vi, I always get the output that is preceded by '^[P1.yHHHH:FFFFF^[\' ('^[' = Escape; HHHH = machine name; FFFF = file pathname). What's wrong and how can I avoid this? BTW, I am editing on an SGI IRIS (4.0). Thanks in advance. -- email : ( From (Hans Mulder) Subject: Re: Why this output with ! in vi? Date: 22 Jul 1993 11:57:44 +0200 In <22k4js$> (Wooed Sun) writes: >Hi, >When I use '!)sort', ':.,30!sort' or a similar kind in vi, I always get >the output that is preceded by '^[P1.yHHHH:FFFFF^[\' >('^[' = Escape; HHHH = machine name; FFFF = file pathname). >What's wrong In you're .cshrc you're setting