From (John Dawson) Subject: Vi macro limitation Date: 22 Jun 1992 01:51:21 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Host: I am trying to write moderately complicated vi macros and I'm bashing my head against limitations whose nature I can't figure out. The specific problem I was trying to solve is to whack some key, have vi invoke make and send the output to a file, and edit that file; then, use the normal motion keys/commands to move to a line that looks like FILENAME:LINENO:blahblah... # format of gcc and go to line number LINENO in file FILENAME. My original plan was to move to the start of the line, and insert ":e ". Go to the next colon, and insert a CR or ESC. Go to the next colon, and insert G. Now the line should look like :e FILENAME:LINENOG:blahblah... Now the part that I can't do: go to the start of the line, and yank the stuff up to the colon after FILENAME into one buffer, and yank the "LINENOG" stuff into a second buffer. After this is all done, do a U command to restore the line, and @-execute the buffers you just yanked to. The problem is that whenever I try to do the yanking into a named buffer, it gives my my favourite error, "Can't yank inside global/ macro". I wasn't able to get it to yank anything at all without it giving me that error, as I recall, but I tried doing the "y" indirectly; i.e., I had a macro like map =y y and I would just do =y instead of y for the yank, and that pacified the "Can't yank inside global/macro" message. But I wasn't able to do this twice in one macro. (I tried many combinations of this indirection, and they didn't help.) This is very baffling. Is someone else familiar with this problem? If you want the macro I was using to generate this error, the yanking part went something like this: (the insertion part isn't interesting) map =e 0"eyt:f:l"gyt: I don't have the original macro for this stuff; I've found a solution that works using a single replacement to insert all the stuff on the line, and then the yanking stuff WORKS! Here's that macro (I've taken control characters and expanded them, sticking carets underneath them to show where they are): map g mm:s/^\([^:][^:]*\):\([0-9][0-9]*\)/:e! \1^V^V^V^[:\2G/^M_ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ map _ 0"e=yt:f:l"g=yt:u'm@e@g map =y y map =m :w!^M:!make -k >& ERRS^M:e ERRS^M ^ ^ ^ The fact that the same yanking submacro works given a different insertion technique is a great source of consternation. What is the rule for when you can and cannot yank? Is there a workaround for this? [Note: "Use Emacs instead!" is not a valid answer. A good friend of mine, a self-proclaimed vi expert, gave me that sage advice, along with a little lecture on how vi is an editor and is Meant To Edit Text and isn't a kitchen sink like Emacs. He should be ashamed of himself. Calling himself a vi guru, indeed.] I can't help but think that this is possible to work around. After all, I've seen gurus of ultimate godliness do things like Turing machines and maze solvers with vi macros. -- (John Dawson) From (John Dawson) Subject: Vi macro limitation Date: 22 Jun 1992 01:51:21 -0500 NNTP-Posting-Host: I am trying to write moderately complicated vi macros and I'm bashing my head against limitations whose nature I can't figure out. The specific problem I was trying to solve is to whack some key, have vi invoke make and send the output to a file, and edit that file; then, use the normal motion keys/commands to move to a line that looks like FILENAME:LINENO:blahblah... # format of gcc and go to line number LINENO in file FILENAME. My original plan was to move to the start of the line, and insert ":e ". Go to the next colon, and insert a CR or ESC. Go to the next colon, and insert G. Now the line should look like :e FILENAME:LINENOG:blahblah... Now the part that I can't do: go to the start of the line, and yank the stuff up to the colon after FILENAME into one buffer, and yank the "LINENOG" stuff into a second buffer. After this is all done, do a U command to restore the line, and @-execute the buffers you just yanked to. The problem is that whenever I try to do the yanking into a named buffer, it gives my my favourite error, "Can't yank inside global/ macro". I wasn't able to get it to yank anything at all without it giving me that error, as I recall, but I tried doing the "y" indirectly; i.e., I had a macro like map =y y and I would just do =y instead of y for the yank, and that pacified the "Can't yank inside global/macro" message. But I wasn't able to do this twice in one macro. (I tried many combinations of this indirection, and they didn't help.) This is very baffling. Is someone else familiar with this problem? If you want the macro I was using to generate this error, the yanking part went something like this: (the insertion part isn't interesting) map =e 0"eyt:f:l"gyt: I don't have the original macro for this stuff; I've found a solution that works using a single replacement to insert all the stuff on the line, and then the yanking stuff WORKS! Here's that macro (I've taken control characters and expanded them, sticking carets underneath them to show where they are): map g mm:s/^\([^:][^:]*\):\([0-9][0-9]*\)/:e! \1^V^V^V^[:\2G/^M_ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ map _ 0"e=yt:f:l"g=yt:u'm@e@g map =y y map =m :w!^M:!make -k >& ERRS^M:e ERRS^M ^ ^ ^ The fact that the same yanking submacro works given a different insertion technique is a great source of consternation. What is the rule for when you can and cannot yank? Is there a workaround for this? [Note: "Use Emacs instead!" is not a valid answer. A good friend of mine, a self-proclaimed vi expert, gave me that sage advice, along with a little lecture on how vi is an editor and is Meant To Edit Text and isn't a kitchen sink like Emacs. He should be ashamed of himself. Calling himself a vi guru, indeed.] I can't help but think that this is possible to work around. After all, I've seen gurus of ultimate godliness do things like Turing machines and maze s