From dattier@genesis.MCS.COM (DWT) Subject: Re: Replacement prompting in vi? Date: 7 Jun 1993 21:47:27 -0500 Reply-To: (DWT) (Athanassios S. Poulakidas) wrote in <>: | I'd like to have interactive search&replace in vi, i.e., when I want to | substitute string1 with string2 globally, for each [occurrence] of string1 | in the file, vi should ask me if the substitution should be performed. | | Is there a macro that efficiently does this? It's already built in. Add the c flag to the substitution command: :range s/target/replacement/gc David W. Tamkin Box 59297 Northtown Station, Illinois 60659-0297 CompuServe: 73720,1570 MCI Mail: 426-1818