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The folowing persons have contributed to this archive, and I and
the NET owe them a thanks:
Larry V. Wirden (lwv27@CAS.Bitnet) for more than 60 files !
Erik E. Bowles ( for a macro and MIRRORING ALF !
Hugh McGuinness ( for a macro.
Chet A. Creider ( for a vi tutor in LaTeX.
Hans Mulder ( for vi.bined.tar.Z
Geoff Clare ( for the blocks macros.
Contr Karl Vogel ( for vi.ckv?.Z
Dave Datta ( for MIRRORING ALF !
Bo Thide ( for cvi.Z
Mitch Wyle () for vi.crypt.Z
Bill "Rock" Petro (Bill.Petro@Eng.Sun.Com) for exrc.brp.
Alex Martelli ( for vi.xvi.tar.Z
Gary Smith (uunet!ddi1!lrark!glsrk!gars) for GEnie MIRRORING.
Roland Bickel ( for
Steve Balogh ( for MIRRORING ALF !
Maurizio Codogno (mau@bilbo.CSELT.STET.IT) for vi.chars.tex.Z
Maarten Litmaath ( for vi.reference.Z
And others that I unfortunatly have forgot... If you miss your name,
please tell me so...