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From (Sean Reifschneider)
Subject: Re: vi - deleting a block of text
Date: Sat, 29 May 1993 00:50:39 GMT
In article <> soh@tmp_ip_003.trl.OZ.AU (Soh Kam Hung) writes:
>mimit@benji.Eng.Sun.COM (Mimi Tam) writes:
>>What is the easiest way in vi to delete a block of text without knowing
>>the line numbers and without knowing how many lines are in the block?
>Note: <X> is the name of the mark, a letter in a-z.
That's what I usually do. The other option of course is if you're using elvis,
you can go to the place you want to start the block, type 'v', and it does
reverse marking. You can then move around using the movement keys and type
a command at the end of the block. I prefer ma, d'a myself.
"Love is a lot like war... Easy to start but hard to finish."
Sean Reifschneider, Supreme hack
From mimit@benji.Eng.Sun.COM (Mimi Tam)
Subject: vi - deleting a block of text
Date: 27 May 1993 20:25:59 GMT
Reply-To: mimit@benji.Eng.Sun.COM
What is the easiest way in vi to delete a block of text without knowing
the line numbers and without knowing how many lines are in the block?
-Mimi Tam-
From soh@tmp_ip_003.trl.OZ.AU (Soh Kam Hung)
Subject: Re: vi - deleting a block of text
Date: Fri, 28 May 1993 03:30:37 GMT
mimit@benji.Eng.Sun.COM (Mimi Tam) writes:
>What is the easiest way in vi to delete a block of text without knowing
>the line numbers and without knowing how many lines are in the block?
Note: <X> is the name of the mark, a letter in a-z.
1. Move the cursor to the start of the required block of text. Type
m<X> to store the cursor position in mark <a>.
2. Move the cursor to the end of the block. Type:
d'<X> - delete to the line containing the mark.
or d`<X> - delete to the character at the mark.
Soh Kam Hung, Network Management Research, |
TRL, POB 249 Clayton, Victoria