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From (Jim Rouleau [ext 256])
Subject: Counter in VI?
Date: 13 Aug 92 14:15:38 GMT
Is there any way to implement a counter in VI?
What I'd like to do is take something like this:
#define a 1
#define b 2
#define c 3
#define z 26
to become
#define a 0
#define b 1
#define c 2
#define z 25
Any way to do this besides manually??
From mgflax@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Marshall G. Flax)
Subject: Re: Counter in VI?
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1992 17:02:13 GMT
In article <> (Jim Rouleau [ext 256]) writes:
>What I'd like to do is take something like this:
> #define z 26
> to become
> #define z 25
Pipe the relevant lines through awk! (Although, if you're really only
concerned with changing #defines, compilers will generate exactly the
same code given
#define z (26-1)
as if they received
#define z 25
and the addition of the parenthesis can clearly be done within vi.)
------- (c) 1992, Marshall Gene Fla