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From!!sunic!pipex!uunet!usc!!!csn!boulder!ucsu!spot.Colorado.EDU!siffert Thu Jul 15 18:23:34 MET DST 1993
Article: 7246 of comp.editors
Newsgroups: comp.editors
From: siffert@spot.Colorado.EDU (Thunder-Thumbs)
Subject: Re: VIM: Does it provide :ab[breviate] command ?
Message-ID: <1993Jul11.082004.9176@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>
Sender: news@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (USENET News System)
Organization: Thunder-Thumbs, Inc.
References: <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1993 08:20:04 GMT
Lines: 23 ( DEWENDRA SHASTRI ) scribes:
>Hi Netters,
>I am having a problem in switching from standarad vi to Vi iMitation (VIM)
>editor. I have lots of abbreaviations in .exrc file, vim cribs about them as
>"Invalid command". I did not find any referrence to this problem in the
>reference.doc supplied with the editor. Moreover differences.doc also
>doesnot talk about this. If any body has any information about this, it
>will be nice.
>Thanx in advans
>Devendra Shastri (
The abbreviate command counts as an Ex command, which isn't supported
fully in VIM. I got around this by remapping my abbr stuff to escape
key sequences. It's not a big deal.
Incidentally, I didn't even realize that capability until recently.
In escape mode (both vi and vim), you can map something like esc-s
and it's a valid command if you do it fast enough. No wonder there's
that one-second lag before vi beeps at you on a double-escape... it's
making sure it's not a real command! pretty nifty.
Curt (
From!!sunic!uunet!!!!!!!!!process!frc Wed Jul 21 10:10:25 MET DST 1993
Article: 7324 of comp.editors
Newsgroups: comp.editors
From: frc@process (Robert Colon)
Subject: Re: VIM:Does it provide :ab[breviate] command ?
Message-ID: <>
Organization: Texas Instruments
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]
References: <21kpa9INNqa6@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
Distribution: inet
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1993 15:09:15 GMT
Lines: 37
> In <> ( DEWENDRA SHASTRI ) writes:
> >Hi Netters,
> >I am having a problem in switching from standarad vi to Vi iMitation (VIM)
> >editor. I have lots of abbreaviations in .exrc file, vim cribs about them as
> It doesn't seem to be there, at least in 1.27. I was somewhat annoyed
> too, maybe :ab will be in a future version. On the other hand, the extra
> features have convinced me to donate a significant portion of my quota to
> vim + docs, even though this system as a perfectly good "real" vi. As
> long as I'm not connected at speeds below 9600 baud, I can live w/o ":ab"
> As a temporary measure, a :map! might help you out...
> --
> Maurice S. Barnum --- I consult, therefore I am:
vim version 1.28, which is now in beta, definitely supports :ab along with
some other nice new features like a toggle between line wrap and horizontal
scrolling. I too have switched from using commercial vi (which is going
nowhere) to vim. vim has enough new extensions (cut/paste [including by
columns] indicated by reverse video, multi-level undo/redo, ability to edit
long lines and binary files, etc.), handles all my complex macros, fixes
several vi annoyances, and is robust enough that I have adopted it as my
standard editor. Plus, if one is not aware of the new features, vim works
"just like vi". PLUS, one has the source code! As importantly, the author,
Bram Moolenaar, has been quite responsive to users reporting bugs and
requesting new features. (Ever try doing that with vi?)
The 1.28 version probably won't be available for a few months yet but will be
worth the wait.
Robert Colon EMAIL:
Texas Instruments, Inc. MSGID: FRC
Design Automation Division MS 3937 PHONE: 214/917-3644
P.O. Box 650311 Dallas, Tx 75265 FAX: 214/917-7966
From!!sunic!uunet!!!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!!msb Wed Jul 21 10:11:07 MET DST 1993
Article: 7326 of comp.editors
From: (Maurice S Barnum)
Newsgroups: comp.editors
Subject: Re: VIM:Does it provide :ab[breviate] command ?
Date: 21 Jul 1993 00:12:07 GMT
Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz
Lines: 28
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <22i1knINN3g1@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
References: <21kpa9INNqa6@darkstar.UCSC.EDU> <>
In <> frc@process (Robert Colon) writes:
>standard editor. Plus, if one is not aware of the new features, vim works
>"just like vi". PLUS, one has the source code! As importantly, the author,
>Bram Moolenaar, has been quite responsive to users reporting bugs and
>requesting new features. (Ever try doing that with vi?)
A few things about vim that are NOT "just like vi":
o screen refresh is abysmally slow. Too much text is being moved around
in cases where a line scroll would be sufficient.
o there is no :set redraw, which I find essential on slow connections,
even more so with vim than with vi. :(
o vim doesn't deal well with tvi-type terminals. ^H and ^K get
interpreted as arrow movements. I don't know if this is a termcap
problem, or a vim problem, but vi and everyting else works just fine.
hrm. I would have sent them in as bug reports, but didn't know where.
Maurice S. Barnum The errors of great men are venerable becauxse they are more fruitful than the truths of little men.... --- F. Nietzsche