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From ( SFC John Stokes)
Subject: vi wordwrap
Date: 2 Jun 92 23:09:17 GMT
Does any one have a suggestion as to how to rewrap a paragraph
in vi? Here is a line I have in my .exrc that does the current
line. Is there a way to extend this to continue down each line
until it gets to a blank line? One flaw in this definition is
the last word of the last line always wraps to the next line.
map ^W J070lF r^M
(Note I used the carot (^) symbol here to indicate Control
characters, which had to be quoted when entered.)
/ __ /_ __
___/ /_/ / / / / Stokes
From (Jackie Damrau)
Subject: Re: vi wordwrap
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1992 13:20:37 GMT
In article <> ( SFC John Stokes) writes:
>Does any one have a suggestion as to how to rewrap a paragraph
>in vi? Here is a line I have in my .exrc that does the current
>line. Is there a way to extend this to continue down each line
>until it gets to a blank line? One flaw in this definition is
>the last word of the last line always wraps to the next line.
>map ^W J070lF r^M
>(Note I used the carot (^) symbol here to indicate Control
>characters, which had to be quoted when entered.)
> ______
> /
> / __ /_ __
> ___/ /_/ / / / / Stokes
To format a paragraph within vi, I have used:
{!}fmt where "fmt" is the UNIX command that does what you want (e.g.,
Jackie Damrau, SSC Laboratory
Computer Operations Group, MS-1011,
2550 Beckleymeade Avenue, Dallas TX
From tchrist@convex.COM (Tom Christiansen)
Subject: Re: vi wordwFrom (Michael J. Chinni, (SMCAR-CCS-W))
Subject: Re: vi wordwrap
Date: 3 Jun 92 19:12:06 GMT
John you wrote:
> Does any one have a suggestion as to how to rewrap a paragraph
> in vi? Here is a line I have in my .exrc that does the current
> line. Is there a way to extend this to continue down each line
> until it gets to a blank line? One flaw in this definition is
> the last word of the last line always wraps to the next line.
> map ^W J070lF r^M
If your system has some BSD utilities, you can use "fmt". Quoting from the
"man" page for "fmt":
fmt [ -width ] [ name ... ]
Fmt is a simple text formatter that reads the concatenation
of input files (or standard input if none are given) and
produces on standard output a version of its input with
lines as close to 72 characters long as possible. Default
line width can be altered with the -width option. The
spacing at the beginning of the input lines is preserved in
the ou