add colophon, also, update style, suggest, thanx, index

This commit is contained in:
Roman Zolotarev 2019-04-19 20:11:33 +00:00
parent fb74c4021a
commit 031e20a508
11 changed files with 455 additions and 368 deletions

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<div class="footer">
Site is created with <a href="">vi</a>, generated by <a href="">ssg</a>, running on <a href="">OpenBSD</a> and hosted by <a href=""></a> - <a href="">git</a>.

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@ -1,256 +1,9 @@
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">
<body class="mw7 w-100 center pa3">
<a href="/" title="Why vi Rocks!"><img src="/vi256.png" class="w4 br-100"></a>

11 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<p class="f7"><a href="/">cool, take me back</a></p>
# See also
[Edit text with vi(1)]( by Roman Zolotarev<br>
[vi is not vim]( by Hugo Daniel<br>
[vi help]( by Jeff W<br>
[vi reference]( by Maarten Litmaath and James Hu<br>
[extremely concise cheatsheet]( by alphanrrrd<br>
[Graphical vi cheatsheet]( by ViEmu<br>
[The vi archive and FAQ]( (a mirror) by Ove Ruben R Olsen<br>

colophon.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<p class="f7"><a href="/">got it, nice</a></p>
This site is
created with <a href="">vi</a>,<br>
generated by <a href="">ssg</a>,<br>
running on <a href="">OpenBSD</a> and<br>
hosted by <a href=""></a>

View File

@ -1,175 +1,245 @@
# Why vi Rocks
<p class="f7">
<a href="/suggest.html">suggestion box</a> &ndash;
<a href="">latest additions</a> &ndash;
<a href="/also.html">see also</a> &ndash;
<a href="/colophon.html">colophon</a>
**[vi](** is the _de facto_ standard
Unix editor, you find it in every *NIX derived OS.
<img src="vi128.png">
Here you will find a collection of commands, command sequences in
or with 3rd party unitilities which make
**[vi](** rock \m/. These all work
with at least [nvi]( 1.79 and
2.1.3 (unicode).
_[vi]( is the **de facto** standard
text editor in any Unix-like operating system._
We are always looking for [suggestions](/suggest.html) that go beyond the basics.<br />
For the latest additions check the [git repo](
Helpful documents:
Here is a collection of [vi(1)]([ex(1)]( commands and command sequences.<br>
Tested with [nvi]( 1.79 and 2.1.3 (unicode).
- [Roman Zolotarev: Edit text with vi(1)](<br />
- [Hugo Daniel: vi is not vim](<br />
- [Jeff W: vi help]( / [Maarten Litmaath: vi reference](<br />
- [alphanrrrd: extremely concise cheatsheet]( / [ViEmu: Graphical vi cheatsheet](<br />
- [The vi archive and FAQ (mirror)](
#### Yank / delete an arbitrary number of lines
## Yank/delete lines
1) mark the first line: mk
2) move to last line
3a) yank: y'k
3b) delete: d'k
4) move to destination line
5) put with P or p
(1) mark the first line: `mk`<br>
(2) move to last line<br>
(3a) yank: `y'k`<br>
(3b) delete: `d'k`<br>
(4) move to destination line<br>
(5) put with `P` or `p`<br>
#### Apply regex to an arbitrary number of lines
1) mark the first line: mk
2) mark the last line: ml
## Apply regex to lines
#### Add # to block of text
(1) mark the first line: `mk`<br>
(2) mark the last line: `ml`<br>
#### Remove trailing whitespace of block of text
## Add &#35; to a block
## Remove trailing whitespace from a block
:'k,'ls/\ *$//
#### Remove the first N (5) characters from every line
## Remove the first N characters from every line
#### Delete all lines N (10) characters long
N = 5
#### Delete all lines _except_ N (10) characters long
## Delete all lines N-character long
#### Search and replace PATHs, using different delimiter
N = 10
#### Write file as root
## Delete all lines _except_ N-character long
N = 10
## Search/replace paths using &#35; as delimiter
## Write the file as root
:w !doas tee %
#### Diff the file on disk with the file in the buffer
## Diff the file on disk with the buffer
:w !diff -u % -
#### Make a backup of the file on disk
## Make a backup of the file on disk
:!cp % %.bak
#### Sort all lines
## Sort all lines
#### Sort paragraph
## Sort a block
<sub><sup>} won't be shown in the command.</sup></sub>
`}` won't be shown
#### Sort from current line to EOF
<sub><sup>G won't be shown in the command.</sup></sub>
## Sort from the current line to EOF
#### Uniq all lines
`G` won't be shown
## Delete duplicated lines in the file
#### Uniq paragraph
## Delete duplicated lines in the block
`}` won't be shown
<sub><sup>} won't be shown in the command.</sup></sub>
#### Uniq from current line to EOF
## Delete duplicated lines till EOF
`G` won't be shown
<sub><sup>G won't be shown in the command.</sup></sub>
#### Underline all lines starting with CHAPTER
:g/^CHAPTER /t.|s/./=/g
## Underline all lines starting with `pattern`
#### Search for "pattern", print the containing function (start with def) and line number
:g/^<em>pattern</em> /t.|s/./=/g
:g/pattern/?^ *def ?#
#### Add # to paragraph containing "pattern"
## Search for `pattern`, print the containing function (start with `def`) and line number
:g/<em>pattern</em>/?^ *<em>def</em> ?#
#### Sort content of multiline CSS blocks
## Add &#35; to paragraph containing `pattern`
## Sort content of a multiline CSS block
#### Sort content of multiline CSS blocks (media queries)
## Sort content of a multiline CSS block (media queries)
#### Reformat HTML paragraphs to a fixed width (40)
:g/<p>/+,/<\/p>/-!fmt -40
## Format content of `<p>` tag to fixed width
#### Invert the order of all lines, move (m) all lines to 0
width = 40
:g/&lt;p&gt;/+,/&lt;\/p&gt;/-!fmt -<em>40</em>
## Reverse all lines, move `m` all lines to 0
#### Swap "Lastname, Firstname" to "Firstname, Lastname"
## Swap `Lastname, Firstname` to `Firstname, Lastname`
:%s/\(.*\), \(.*\)/\2 \1/
#### Change all text to lowercase
## Convert to lowercase
#### Join all lines
## Join all lines
#### Copy (t) or move (m) lines containing "pattern"
## Copy `t` or move `m` lines containing `pattern`
#### Select a column (3rd) from formated text seperated by ':'
## Select a column of a table
Select 3rd column separated by colon (`:`)
:%!awk -F':' '{print $3}'
:%!awk -F'<em>:</em>' '{print $<em>3</em>}'
#### Insert the sum of a list of numbers after an arbitrary number of lines
## Insert the sum of a list of numbers after an arbitrary number of lines
1) mark the first line: mk
2) mark the last line: ml
:'k,'l!awk 'END{print "Total:", i}{i+=$1; print}'
1) mark the first line: `mk`
2) mark the last line: `ml`
More compact version:
:'k,'l!awk 'END{print "Total:", i} ++i || 1'
:'k,'l!awk 'END{print "<em>total:</em>", i}{i+=$1; print}'
#### Email the current paragraph
:?^$?+,//-w !mail -s "<subject>"
:'k,'l!awk 'END{print "<em>total:</em>", i} ++i || 1'
#### Enable and use ex history
## Email the block
1) Set ESC key to enable history, or add to .exrc:
:set cedit=<CTRL-V><ESC>
:?^$?+,//-w !mail -s "<em>subject</em>" <em></em>
2) Use it with:
## Enable and use `ex` history
1) Set `ESC` key to enable history or add to `~/.exrc`:
<b>:set cedit=<u>&lt;CTRL-V&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;</u></b>
2) Use it with:

style.css Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
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View File

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
<h1>Suggest your vi and/or ex commands</h1>
<p class="f7"><a href="/">never mind</a></p>
<p>you can not do without beyond the basics.</p>
<p>Did we miss your favorite command?<br>Oh&nbsp;dear, let us fix that.</p>
<h1 class="w5">Suggestion box</h1>
<div class="cf mt4">
<div class="fl w5">
@ -15,43 +19,41 @@
<input type="hidden" name="form_fields" value="name, message">
<input type="hidden" name="form_additional_fields" value="name, credit, command, message">
<label for="name">Type-in your name *</label>
<label class="lh-solid" for="name">Your name</label>
class="db outline mb2 ba pa2 w-100" id="name"
class="db outline mb2 ba pa2 w-100 b--black bw1" id="name"
<label for="credit">for my commit credit use *</label>
<label class="lh-solid" for="credit">your public profile for credits<br>(e.g.&nbsp;Twitter or Mastodon)</label>
class="db outline mb2 ba pa2 w-100" id="email"
class="db outline mb2 ba pa2 w-100 b--black bw1" id="email"
placeholder="Twitter / Mastodon ...">
<label for="command">the vi / ex command *</label>
class="db outline mb2 ba pa2 w-100" id="command"
<label for="message">description *</label>
<label class="lh-solid" for="message">vi/ex command and description</label>
class="db outline mb2 ba pa2 w-100"
class="db outline mb2 ba b--black bw1 pa2 w-100"
rows="10">This command does
sort all lines">
class="db outline mb2 b ba bg-yell b--yell black ph3 pv2 w-50 mt2"
class="db outline mb2 b ba bg-black b--black white ph3 pv2 w-100 mt2"
value="Suggest it">
value="Swoosh! &#x1F4A8;">
<div class="fl w-25"><img src="suggest.png" class="w4 pl4 mt4"></div>

suggest.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 29 KiB

thanx.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<p class="f7"><a href="/">go back home</a></p>
<h1>Thank you</h1>
<p>Yay! Your suggestion has been sent.</p>

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Thanx
Your suggestion is sent.

vi128.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 148 B