restructure of

This commit is contained in:
mischa 2021-05-09 09:55:58 +02:00
parent 2d95ade2fa
commit b7df6b75de
2 changed files with 76 additions and 504 deletions

View File

@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
# vmm(4)/vmd(8) VM notify script for OpenBSD Amsterdam
# 2020/05/17 initial release
# This is WIP, currently there is a lot of overlap in the functions.
# 2021/05/09 complete restructure and KISS
use 5.024;
use strict;
@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ use autodie;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use HTTP::Tiny;
# Get function and function_variable (vmid) from arguments
# get function and function_variable (vmid) from arguments
my $function = $ARGV[0] || "empty";
my $function_variable = $ARGV[1] || "empty";
@ -65,9 +64,10 @@ sub get_variables {
return %hash;
sub deployed {
sub mailout {
my %conf = %{$_[0]};
my %vms = %{$_[1]};
my $_etc = $conf{'conf'}{'ETC'};
my $_vms = $conf{'conf'}{'VMS'};
my $_tmpl = $conf{'conf'}{'TEMPLATES'};
@ -75,145 +75,11 @@ sub deployed {
my $_ip4netmask = $conf{'conf'}{'NETMASK'};
my $_ip4gw = $conf{'conf'}{'ROUTER'};
my $template = "$_tmpl/email-deployed.txt";
my $year = strftime("%Y", localtime);
my $month = strftime("%m", localtime);
my $template = "$_tmpl/email-$function.txt";
my $server_number = $1 if $_server =~ /([0-9]+)/;
my $oddeven = $server_number % 2;
my @stopped_vms = qx(vmctl show | grep stopped | awk '{print \$9}');
for my $vm_name (sort keys %vms) {
my $_date = $vms{$vm_name}{'date'};
my $_payment = $vms{$vm_name}{'payment'};
my $_donated = $vms{$vm_name}{'donated'};
my $_name = $vms{$vm_name}{'name'};
my $_email = $vms{$vm_name}{'email'};
my $_hostname = $vms{$vm_name}{'hostname'};
if ($function_variable =~ /empty/) { print "No VMID provided\n"; last; }
if ($function_variable =~ /$vm_name/) {
(my $_firstname, my $_lastname) = split(/ /, $_name, 2);
my $ip4address = qx(grep -A2 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
my $ip6address = qx(grep -A3 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address-ipv6/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
(my $ip6gw = $ip6address) =~ s/::.*/::1/;
open(my $fh, '<', $template);
open my $fh_email, "|-", "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
printf $fh_email "To: %s\n", $_email;
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
$row =~ s/NAME/$_firstname/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4$/$ip4address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4NETMASK$/$_ip4netmask/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4GW$/$_ip4gw/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6$/$ip6address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6GW$/$ip6gw/g;
$row =~ s/VMID/$vm_name/g;
$row =~ s/SERVER/$_server/g;
$row =~ s/YEAR/$year/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_DONATED/$total_donated/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_VMS/$total_vms/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_HOSTS/$total_hosts/g;
$row =~ s/PAYMENT/$_payment/g;
if ($row =~ /TIME\((.*)\)/) {
my @TIMES = split(/,/, $1);
$row =~ s/TIME\(.*\)/$TIMES[$oddeven]/g;
print $fh_email "$row\n";
close $fh_email;
print "DEPLOYED: $_date, $_payment, $_name, $_email, $_hostname, $_server ($vm_name), $ip4address\n";
# function to collect stopped vms
sub stopped {
my %conf = %{$_[0]};
my %vms = %{$_[1]};
my $_etc = $conf{'conf'}{'ETC'};
my $_vms = $conf{'conf'}{'VMS'};
my $_tmpl = $conf{'conf'}{'TEMPLATES'};
my $_server = $conf{'conf'}{'SERVER'};
my $_ip4netmask = $conf{'conf'}{'NETMASK'};
my $_ip4gw = $conf{'conf'}{'ROUTER'};
my $template = "$_tmpl/email-stopped.txt";
my $year = strftime("%Y", localtime);
my $month = strftime("%m", localtime);
my $server_number = $1 if $_server =~ /([0-9]+)/;
my $oddeven = $server_number % 2;
my @stopped_vms = qx(vmctl show | grep stopped | awk '{print \$9}');
for my $vm_name (sort keys %vms) {
my $_date = $vms{$vm_name}{'date'};
my $_payment = $vms{$vm_name}{'payment'};
my $_donated = $vms{$vm_name}{'donated'};
my $_name = $vms{$vm_name}{'name'};
my $_email = $vms{$vm_name}{'email'};
my $_hostname = $vms{$vm_name}{'hostname'};
if (grep(/$vm_name/, @stopped_vms)) {
(my $_firstname, my $_lastname) = split(/ /, $_name, 2);
my $ip4address = qx(grep -A2 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
my $ip6address = qx(grep -A3 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address-ipv6/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
(my $ip6gw = $ip6address) =~ s/::.*/::1/;
open(my $fh, '<', $template);
open my $fh_email, "|-", "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
printf $fh_email "To: %s\n", $_email;
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
$row =~ s/NAME/$_firstname/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4$/$ip4address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4NETMASK$/$_ip4netmask/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4GW$/$_ip4gw/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6$/$ip6address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6GW$/$ip6gw/g;
$row =~ s/VMID/$vm_name/g;
$row =~ s/SERVER/$_server/g;
$row =~ s/YEAR/$year/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_DONATED/$total_donated/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_VMS/$total_vms/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_HOSTS/$total_hosts/g;
$row =~ s/PAYMENT/$_payment/g;
if ($row =~ /TIME\((.*)\)/) {
my @TIMES = split(/,/, $1);
$row =~ s/TIME\(.*\)/$TIMES[$oddeven]/g;
print $fh_email "$row\n";
close $fh_email;
print "STOPPED: $_date, $_payment, $_name, $_email, $_hostname, $_server ($vm_name), $ip4address\n";
sub renewal {
my %conf = %{$_[0]};
my %vms = %{$_[1]};
my $_etc = $conf{'conf'}{'ETC'};
my $_vms = $conf{'conf'}{'VMS'};
my $_tmpl = $conf{'conf'}{'TEMPLATES'};
my $_server = $conf{'conf'}{'SERVER'};
my $_ip4netmask = $conf{'conf'}{'NETMASK'};
my $_ip4gw = $conf{'conf'}{'ROUTER'};
my $template = "$_tmpl/email-renewal.txt";
my $year = strftime("%Y", localtime);
my $month = strftime("%m", localtime);
my $server_number = $1 if $_server =~ /([0-9]+)/;
my $oddeven = $server_number % 2;
my @stopped_vms = qx(vmctl show | grep stopped | awk '{print \$9}');
my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get('');
my $total_donated = $1 if $response->{'content'} =~ /([0-9,]+) donated to the OpenBSD/;
@ -229,369 +95,47 @@ sub renewal {
my $_name = $vms{$vm_name}{'name'};
my $_email = $vms{$vm_name}{'email'};
my $_hostname = $vms{$vm_name}{'hostname'};
my $_username = $vms{$vm_name}{'username'};
if ($_subscription =~ /yes/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /done/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /expire/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /sponsor/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /renewal/) { next; }
if ($_date =~ /$year\//) { next; }
if ($_date =~ /\/$month\//) {
(my $_firstname, my $_lastname) = split(/ /, $_name, 2);
(my $_year, my $_month, my $_day) = split(/\//, $_date, 3);
my $ip4address = qx(grep -A2 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
my $ip6address = qx(grep -A3 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address-ipv6/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
(my $ip6gw = $ip6address) =~ s/::.*/::1/;
(my $_firstname, my $_lastname) = split(/ /, $_name, 2);
(my $_year, my $_month, my $_day) = split(/\//, $_date, 3);
my $ip4address = qx(grep -A2 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
my $ip6address = qx(grep -A3 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address-ipv6/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
(my $ip6gw = $ip6address) =~ s/::.*/::1/;
open(my $fh, '<', $template);
open my $fh_email, "|-", "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
printf $fh_email "To: %s\n", $_email;
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
$row =~ s/NAME/$_firstname/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4$/$ip4address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4NETMASK$/$_ip4netmask/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4GW$/$_ip4gw/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6$/$ip6address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6GW$/$ip6gw/g;
$row =~ s/VMID/$vm_name/g;
$row =~ s/SERVER/$_server/g;
open(my $fh, '<', $template);
open my $fh_email, "|-", "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
printf $fh_email "To: %s\n", $_email;
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
$row =~ s/NAME/$_firstname/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4$/$ip4address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4NETMASK$/$_ip4netmask/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4GW$/$_ip4gw/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6$/$ip6address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6GW$/$ip6gw/g;
$row =~ s/VMID/$vm_name/g;
$row =~ s/SERVER/$_server/g;
$row =~ s/HOSTNAME/$_hostname/g;
$row =~ s/USERNAME/$_username/g;
$row =~ s/YEAR/$year/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_DONATED/$total_donated/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_VMS/$total_vms/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_HOSTS/$total_hosts/g;
$row =~ s/PAYMENT/$_payment/g;
$row =~ s/YEAR/$year/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_DONATED/$total_donated/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_VMS/$total_vms/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_HOSTS/$total_hosts/g;
$row =~ s/PAYMENT/$_payment/g;
if ($row =~ /TIME\((.*)\)/) {
my @TIMES = split(/,/, $1);
$row =~ s/TIME\(.*\)/$TIMES[$oddeven]/g;
print $fh_email "$row\n";
if ($row =~ /TIME\((.*)\)/) {
my @TIMES = split(/,/, $1);
$row =~ s/TIME\(.*\)/$TIMES[$oddeven]/g;
close $fh_email;
print "RENEWAL: $_date, $_payment, $_name, $_email, $_hostname, $_server ($vm_name), $ip4address\n";
print $fh_email "$row\n";
close $fh_email;
print "$function: $_date, $_payment, $_name, $_email, $_hostname, $_server ($vm_name), $ip4address\n";
sub subscription {
my %conf = %{$_[0]};
my %vms = %{$_[1]};
my $_etc = $conf{'conf'}{'ETC'};
my $_vms = $conf{'conf'}{'VMS'};
my $_tmpl = $conf{'conf'}{'TEMPLATES'};
my $_server = $conf{'conf'}{'SERVER'};
my $_ip4netmask = $conf{'conf'}{'NETMASK'};
my $_ip4gw = $conf{'conf'}{'ROUTER'};
my $template = "$_tmpl/email-subscription.txt";
my $year = strftime("%Y", localtime);
my $month = strftime("%m", localtime);
my $server_number = $1 if $_server =~ /([0-9]+)/;
my $oddeven = $server_number % 2;
my @stopped_vms = qx(vmctl show | grep stopped | awk '{print \$9}');
my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get('');
my $total_donated = $1 if $response->{'content'} =~ /([0-9,]+) donated to the OpenBSD/;
my $total_vms = $1 if $response->{'content'} =~ /([0-9]+) VMs deployed/;
$response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get('');
my $total_hosts = () = $response->{'content'} =~ /(\>Server )/g;
for my $vm_name (sort keys %vms) {
my $_date = $vms{$vm_name}{'date'};
my $_payment = $vms{$vm_name}{'payment'};
my $_subscription = $vms{$vm_name}{'subscription'} || "no";
my $_donated = $vms{$vm_name}{'donated'};
my $_name = $vms{$vm_name}{'name'};
my $_email = $vms{$vm_name}{'email'};
my $_hostname = $vms{$vm_name}{'hostname'};
if ($_subscription =~ /no/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /done/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /expire/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /sponsor/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /renewal/) { next; }
if ($_date =~ /$year\//) { next; }
if ($_date =~ /\/$month\//) {
(my $_firstname, my $_lastname) = split(/ /, $_name, 2);
(my $_year, my $_month, my $_day) = split(/\//, $_date, 3);
my $ip4address = qx(grep -A2 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
my $ip6address = qx(grep -A3 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address-ipv6/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
(my $ip6gw = $ip6address) =~ s/::.*/::1/;
open(my $fh, '<', $template);
open my $fh_email, "|-", "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
printf $fh_email "To: %s\n", $_email;
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
$row =~ s/NAME/$_firstname/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4$/$ip4address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4NETMASK$/$_ip4netmask/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4GW$/$_ip4gw/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6$/$ip6address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6GW$/$ip6gw/g;
$row =~ s/VMID/$vm_name/g;
$row =~ s/SERVER/$_server/g;
$row =~ s/YEAR/$year/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_DONATED/$total_donated/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_VMS/$total_vms/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_HOSTS/$total_hosts/g;
$row =~ s/PAYMENT/$_payment/g;
if ($row =~ /TIME\((.*)\)/) {
my @TIMES = split(/,/, $1);
$row =~ s/TIME\(.*\)/$TIMES[$oddeven]/g;
print $fh_email "$row\n";
close $fh_email;
print "SUBSCRIPTION: $_date, $_payment, $_name, $_email, $_hostname, $_server ($vm_name), $ip4address\n";
# function to notify people
sub notify {
my %conf = %{$_[0]};
my %vms = %{$_[1]};
my $_etc = $conf{'conf'}{'ETC'};
my $_vms = $conf{'conf'}{'VMS'};
my $_tmpl = $conf{'conf'}{'TEMPLATES'};
my $_server = $conf{'conf'}{'SERVER'};
my $_ip4netmask = $conf{'conf'}{'NETMASK'};
my $_ip4gw = $conf{'conf'}{'ROUTER'};
my $template = "$_tmpl/email-notify.txt";
my $year = strftime("%Y", localtime);
my $month = strftime("%m", localtime);
my $server_number = $1 if $_server =~ /([0-9]+)/;
my $oddeven = $server_number % 2;
my @stopped_vms = qx(vmctl show | grep stopped | awk '{print \$9}');
for my $vm_name (sort keys %vms) {
my $_date = $vms{$vm_name}{'date'};
my $_payment = $vms{$vm_name}{'payment'};
my $_donated = $vms{$vm_name}{'donated'};
my $_name = $vms{$vm_name}{'name'};
my $_email = $vms{$vm_name}{'email'};
my $_hostname = $vms{$vm_name}{'hostname'};
if (-e "$template") {
(my $_firstname, my $_lastname) = split(/ /, $_name, 2);
my $ip4address = qx(grep -A2 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
my $ip6address = qx(grep -A3 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address-ipv6/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
(my $ip6gw = $ip6address) =~ s/::.*/::1/;
open(my $fh, '<', $template);
open my $fh_email, "|-", "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
printf $fh_email "To: %s\n", $_email;
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
$row =~ s/NAME/$_firstname/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4$/$ip4address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4NETMASK$/$_ip4netmask/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4GW$/$_ip4gw/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6$/$ip6address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6GW$/$ip6gw/g;
$row =~ s/VMID/$vm_name/g;
$row =~ s/SERVER/$_server/g;
$row =~ s/YEAR/$year/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_DONATED/$total_donated/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_VMS/$total_vms/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_HOSTS/$total_hosts/g;
$row =~ s/PAYMENT/$_payment/g;
if ($row =~ /TIME\((.*)\)/) {
my @TIMES = split(/,/, $1);
$row =~ s/TIME\(.*\)/$TIMES[$oddeven]/g;
print $fh_email "$row\n";
close $fh_email;
print "NOTIFIED: $_date, $_payment, $_name, $_email, $_hostname, $_server ($vm_name), $ip4address\n";
sub msg {
my %conf = %{$_[0]};
my %vms = %{$_[1]};
my $_etc = $conf{'conf'}{'ETC'};
my $_vms = $conf{'conf'}{'VMS'};
my $_tmpl = $conf{'conf'}{'TEMPLATES'};
my $_server = $conf{'conf'}{'SERVER'};
my $_ip4netmask = $conf{'conf'}{'NETMASK'};
my $_ip4gw = $conf{'conf'}{'ROUTER'};
my $template = "$_tmpl/email-msg.txt";
my $year = strftime("%Y", localtime);
my $month = strftime("%m", localtime);
my $server_number = $1 if $_server =~ /([0-9]+)/;
my $oddeven = $server_number % 2;
my @stopped_vms = qx(vmctl show | grep stopped | awk '{print \$9}');
for my $vm_name (sort keys %vms) {
my $_date = $vms{$vm_name}{'date'};
my $_payment = $vms{$vm_name}{'payment'};
my $_donated = $vms{$vm_name}{'donated'};
my $_name = $vms{$vm_name}{'name'};
my $_email = $vms{$vm_name}{'email'};
my $_hostname = $vms{$vm_name}{'hostname'};
if ($function_variable =~ /empty/) { print "No VMID provided\n"; last; }
if ($function_variable =~ /$vm_name/) {
(my $_firstname, my $_lastname) = split(/ /, $_name, 2);
my $ip4address = qx(grep -A2 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
my $ip6address = qx(grep -A3 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address-ipv6/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
(my $ip6gw = $ip6address) =~ s/::.*/::1/;
open(my $fh, '<', $template);
open my $fh_email, "|-", "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
printf $fh_email "To: %s\n", $_email;
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
$row =~ s/NAME/$_firstname/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4$/$ip4address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4NETMASK$/$_ip4netmask/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4GW$/$_ip4gw/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6$/$ip6address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6GW$/$ip6gw/g;
$row =~ s/VMID/$vm_name/g;
$row =~ s/SERVER/$_server/g;
$row =~ s/YEAR/$year/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_DONATED/$total_donated/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_VMS/$total_vms/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_HOSTS/$total_hosts/g;
$row =~ s/PAYMENT/$_payment/g;
if ($row =~ /TIME\((.*)\)/) {
my @TIMES = split(/,/, $1);
$row =~ s/TIME\(.*\)/$TIMES[$oddeven]/g;
print $fh_email "$row\n";
close $fh_email;
print "MSG: $_date, $_payment, $_name, $_email, $_hostname, $_server ($vm_name), $ip4address\n";
sub deprovision {
my %conf = %{$_[0]};
my %vms = %{$_[1]};
my $_etc = $conf{'conf'}{'ETC'};
my $_vms = $conf{'conf'}{'VMS'};
my $_tmpl = $conf{'conf'}{'TEMPLATES'};
my $_server = $conf{'conf'}{'SERVER'};
my $_ip4netmask = $conf{'conf'}{'NETMASK'};
my $_ip4gw = $conf{'conf'}{'ROUTER'};
my $template = "$_tmpl/email-deprovision.txt";
my $year = strftime("%Y", localtime);
my $month = strftime("%m", localtime);
my $server_number = $1 if $_server =~ /([0-9]+)/;
my $oddeven = $server_number % 2;
my @stopped_vms = qx(vmctl show | grep stopped | awk '{print \$9}');
for my $vm_name (sort keys %vms) {
my $_date = $vms{$vm_name}{'date'};
my $_payment = $vms{$vm_name}{'payment'};
my $_subscription = $vms{$vm_name}{'subscription'} || "no";
my $_donated = $vms{$vm_name}{'donated'};
my $_name = $vms{$vm_name}{'name'};
my $_email = $vms{$vm_name}{'email'};
my $_hostname = $vms{$vm_name}{'hostname'};
if ($_subscription =~ /yes/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /done/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /expire/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /sponsor/) { next; }
if ($_donated =~ /renewal/) { next; }
if ($_date =~ /$year\//) { next; }
if ($_date =~ /\/$month\//) {
(my $_firstname, my $_lastname) = split(/ /, $_name, 2);
(my $_year, my $_month, my $_day) = split(/\//, $_date, 3);
my $ip4address = qx(grep -A2 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
my $ip6address = qx(grep -A3 $vm_name $_etc/dhcpd.conf | awk '/fixed-address-ipv6/{print \$2}' | tr -d ';\n');
(my $ip6gw = $ip6address) =~ s/::.*/::1/;
open(my $fh, '<', $template);
open my $fh_email, "|-", "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
printf $fh_email "To: %s\n", $_email;
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
$row =~ s/NAME/$_firstname/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4$/$ip4address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4NETMASK$/$_ip4netmask/g;
$row =~ s/IPV4GW$/$_ip4gw/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6$/$ip6address/g;
$row =~ s/IPV6GW$/$ip6gw/g;
$row =~ s/VMID/$vm_name/g;
$row =~ s/SERVER/$_server/g;
$row =~ s/YEAR/$year/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_DONATED/$total_donated/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_VMS/$total_vms/g;
$row =~ s/TOTAL_HOSTS/$total_hosts/g;
$row =~ s/PAYMENT/$_payment/g;
if ($row =~ /TIME\((.*)\)/) {
my @TIMES = split(/,/, $1);
$row =~ s/TIME\(.*\)/$TIMES[$oddeven]/g;
print $fh_email "$row\n";
close $fh_email;
print "DEPROVISION: $_date, $_payment, $_name, $_email, $_hostname, $_server ($vm_name), $ip4address\n";
# function to print all keys & values for debug purposes
sub debug_parse {
my %conf = %{$_[0]};
my %vms = %{$_[1]};
my $_etc = $conf{'conf'}{'ETC'};
my $_vms = $conf{'conf'}{'VMS'};
my $_tmpl = $conf{'conf'}{'TEMPLATES'};
my $_server = $conf{'conf'}{'SERVER'};
my $_ip4netmask = $conf{'conf'}{'NETMASK'};
my $_ip4gw = $conf{'conf'}{'ROUTER'};
my $template = "$_tmpl/email-debug.txt";
my $year = strftime("%Y", localtime);
my $month = strftime("%m", localtime);
my $server_number = $1 if $_server =~ /([0-9]+)/;
my $oddeven = $server_number % 2;
my @stopped_vms = qx(vmctl show | grep stopped | awk '{print \$9}');
print "All VMs\n##\n";
for my $vm_name (sort keys %vms) {
my $_date = $vms{$vm_name}{'date'};
my $_payment = $vms{$vm_name}{'payment'};
my $_donated = $vms{$vm_name}{'donated'};
my $_name = $vms{$vm_name}{'name'};
my $_email = $vms{$vm_name}{'email'};
my $_hostname = $vms{$vm_name}{'hostname'};
print "$_date, $_payment, $_name, $_email, $_hostname, $_server ($vm_name)\n";
print "##\n";
# check if _deploy.conf exists
my $dev = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/";
my $prod = $ENV{'HOME'};
@ -615,13 +159,41 @@ if (-d "$dev") {
my @files = glob "$conf{'conf'}{'VMS'}/*.txt";
%vms = get_variables('vms', @files);
# run functions
if ($debug) { debug_parse(\%conf, \%vms); }
if ($function =~ /deployed/) { deployed(\%conf, \%vms); }
elsif ($function =~ /stopped/) { stopped(\%conf, \%vms); }
elsif ($function =~ /renewal/) { renewal(\%conf, \%vms); }
elsif ($function =~ /subscription/) { subscription(\%conf, \%vms); }
elsif ($function =~ /notify/) { notify(\%conf, \%vms); }
elsif ($function =~ /msg/) { msg(\%conf, \%vms); }
elsif ($function =~ /deprovision/) { deprovision(\%conf, \%vms); }
else { print "Specify function: deployed, stopped, renewal, notify, deprovision\n"; }
if ($function =~ /notify/) {
mailout(\%conf, \%vms);
if ($function =~ /(msg|deployed)/ and $function_variable !~ /empty/) {
my %slice = %vms{$function_variable};
mailout(\%conf, \%slice);
if ($function =~ /(renewal|subscription|deprovision)/) {
my $year = strftime("%Y", localtime);
my $month = strftime("%m", localtime);
for my $vm_name (sort keys %vms) {
if ($vms{$vm_name}{'donated'} =~ /(done|expire|sponsor|renewal)/) { delete $vms{$vm_name}; next; }
if ($vms{$vm_name}{'date'} =~ /$year\//) { delete $vms{$vm_name}; next; }
if ($vms{$vm_name}{'date'} !~ /\/$month\//) { delete $vms{$vm_name}; next; }
if ($function =~ /(renewal|deprovision)/) {
if (defined $vms{$vm_name}{'subscription'} and $vms{$vm_name}{'subscription'} =~ /yes/) { delete $vms{$vm_name}; next; }
if ($function =~ /subscription/) {
if (defined $vms{$vm_name}{'subscription'} and $vms{$vm_name}{'subscription'} eq "") { delete $vms{$vm_name}; next; }
mailout(\%conf, \%vms);
if ($function =~ /stopped/) {
my @stopped_vms = qx(vmctl show | grep stopped | awk '{print \$9}');
for my $vm_name (sort keys %vms) {
if (!grep(/$vm_name/, @stopped_vms)) { delete $vms{$vm_name}; next; }
mailout(\%conf, \%vms);
if ($function =~ /empty/) {
print "Specify function: deployed <vmid>, stopped, renewal, notify, deprovision, msg <vmid>\n";

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name="Test1 User"